Part 14

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It had been a week since the gender reveal and Kara's doctor had called her back to the hospital. Kara didn't think much of it, she figured that they were just going to go through the results of her blood test. Despite Oliver's presistence she reassured him that she would fine, plus Sara was going with her.

Kara walked into the office with a smile on her face, she had a good morning. Everything seemed to be falling into place. She greeted her doctor cheerfully but her doctor gave her a weak smile. Kara sat down on the exam table.

"Ok, Kara I just got your blood results back and I found something concerning. It seems like you are suffering from gestational anaemia. Now usually we can just treat it with some dietary supplements but I just called you in so that I can do a Doppler Ultrasound which will allow me to check the baby's blood flow." The doctor states calmly, doing her best to keep Kara calm.

"Ok let's do that." Kara stuttered feeling a little flustered. "Actually, can I call my friend? She waiting outside because we are supposed to have lunch after and if there ends up being something wrong with the baby, I just don't want to hear it alone." Kara rambled. Her doctor nodded and sent the nurse to get Sara who was sitting outside with her 2 year old daughter Haley. Kara filled Sara in on what was happening. Sara looked at Kara sympathetically.

The doctor then carried out the ultrasound and then studied to the results on the screen as the other two women waited anxiously. After she completed the ultrasound she said "Kara, I'm sorry but it looks like your baby has fetal anaemia, a few mouths ago we talked about this being a possibility since you an the baby have incompatible blood types." The doctor went on but Kara was in shock, everything was a blur she looked around and she could see Sara listening intently to what the doctor was saying. She turned her attention to Haley who was sitting on a chair playing with her doll, Kara's whole world froze, she loved William, Alexa and Aleya but she had wanted this for so long and now she could lose it all.

"Kara? Kara? Are you okay?" Sara asked shaking her friend slightly.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'm just in a bit of shock I think." Kara stated in a low voice.

"Don't stress yourself out Kara. I was just telling Sara that you still have a lot of options. There is a hospital in Seattle, called Grey-Sloan Memorial. They have a really good Fetal and Peadiatric Department. I know Oliver won't settle for 2nd best so I recommend Dr. Arizona Robbins. Take a trip there and see what she has to say." The doctor explained. Her doctor also gave her a few supplements to try and help the situation.


Sara and Kara decided to skip lunch and head home. They got to Kara's house and relaxed there for awhile, Kara left a message for Oliver asking if he could come home early, he agreed and was going to pick the kids up on his way. Barry had also arrived with Logan. When everybody had arrived Kara and Sara explained the situation. Kara had talked to Alex and Eliza on the phone earlier and they were really supportive. William begged his parents to let him skip school and come along, after some thought the couple agreed. Moira and Robert had arranged for the Queen Jet to take the family to Seattle. Moira also insisted that she come along. Kara accepted the help from her mother-in-law. Kara had known Moira since high-school and she had become a second mother-like figure to Kara. The trip had been set for the next day, so the family started to pack up their stuff with the help of Sara and Barry.

Oliver was sitting in William's room and the two were packing the young boy's things in silence. After they were finished, William turned to his father with teary eyes, "Dad, is my baby brother gonna die?"

At the sound of his son's broken voice Oliver turned to his son, Oliver didn't know what to say, he didn't want too bring his son down but he also didn't want to give the young boy a false sense of hope. Oliver pulled his son into a hug and stroked his head, "I don't know Will, we don't know how severe it is yet but there is still a chance that he is going to be just fine. However, I do know that your Mom and I are going to do everything we can to make sure that he is okay." Oliver said calmly comforting his son. William looked up at his father with a weak smile before deciding that they should get back to packing.

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