Chapter 24: "Attack"

Start from the beginning

I can help with that.

Please don't. We both know that
you don't have enough money
for this.


I poker faced at this message and made a quick screenshot of the app that is connected to my credit card with my number of money on it, then send it to him. Reaction was fast.


Darby :V

Where did you get this all money?!

Parents. :^

F@$king god... Now I'm wondering,
how didn't you get a girlfriend with
this amount of money in your

I just hate those kind of people, that
"loves" you, just because of money.
You know, it's like with you, but it's
opposite, and with women that wants

Oh, you reminded me about the answer,
when I asked you about you trying to say
that you would like to date me. Did you
answer seriously?

Actually... Idk... Maybe... It's hard to tell,
you know, these emotions.

Oh... Well, when you're gonna be sure.
Text me, ok?

If I'm gonna be sure that it was a serious
answer, I'll more likely call you on a date.

You're making me blush, Mike. -///-


I wanted to smirk and snicker a little, but then I heard a white sound coming from a TV. I quickly texted him 'Something bad happening, I'll text you later.' We all looked at the TV that had interference on its screen.

Y/N: "This ain't good." She said it as she walked out from kitchen. Shoji walked up to the coffee table took the remote that was laying on it, and tried to change the channel, but it didn't work.

Sero: "I'll go call Aizawa-sensei." He said it as he ran out from the dorms.

Mineta: "Wait for me!" He yelled out to him scared as he ran out from the dorms right behind him.

Denki: "Maybe it's just some a glitch, or something?" He asked it scared a little and suddenly a TV shoved a black screen.

Bakugo: "What the f-" He wanted to say.

Vanessa: "Hello there~" She said it as she suddenly appeared on the screen, making some of us jump a little. "Sorry, if scared you... Not!" She said it and laughed a little.

Bakugo: "She's already getting on my nerves." He said it angrily as he made some explosions in his hand.

Kirishima: "Calm down, Bakubro." He said it as he placed his hand on Bakugo's shoulder.

Vanessa: "Alright, let's make it clear, you have what I want, and you better give it to me." She said it as her mood suddenly changed.

Kyoka: "How about... No." She said it sternly as she hugged (Y/N) by the waist.

Vanessa: "As expected... Then... See ya in a few seconds~" She said it as the TV turned off. Aizawa-sensei and Vlad King burst in.

Vlad King: "Everything alright here?!" He asked as he got in a fight stance.

The Touchy Girl [Bnha Fem Harem X Fem Reader]Where stories live. Discover now