Chapter Fourteen

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Oriane's Pov
It was a lot harder than I really thought hiding a new part of myself from four people I cared so dearly about. Touch was touch and go, and I always tried my best to act like myself around them, all though spacing out was a deep new nature of mine. It was like everyone in the estate had to be used to having me around once again. That including the maids and servants as well.

It had became quite easy to be by myself at night for weeks of being back home, and when I did sleep my dreams always had Kouri in them. Deep down I sadly cared about that demon when I shouldn't have, he caused me beyond the amount of pain and suffering a human should endure.

"Alright! So this is gonna be our first shopping trip in a while. Suma you and me are on fruit duty. Which leaves my three other flashy beautiful wives to do meats, vegetables and you can find other treats that you find yourself wanting." I was in a small trance like state, shuffling my shoes across the stone steps with interest slightly turning my head to hear Suma squealing out happily cradling her hands tightly in a grip jumping up and down leaving Hina and Makio to glance between us with smiles.

"I'm so excited! it's been forever since we've done anything as a family." I forced a smile fixing up the ties around my kimono for a moment knowing that was half my fault the three already moving to walk across the bridge, I trailed along slightly behind slowly lifting my head up to face the sun, slightly squinting as I tried to stare at the floating clouds mindlessly moving across the sky.

I let my gaze fall for a minute feeling a gentle hand was placed on my lower back seeing the soft smile on Tengen's face as he gently urged me to walk along side me.

"Oriane.. Be careful for me okay? Makio and Hina will be keeping really close eyes on you but enjoy your time out." I gave him a gentle smile on return bowing my head down slowly lightly.

"Of course I'll do my best."

Such a simple trip down into the nearby market, it was bustling with so much energy and happiness. Each stand selling something new and or something old. I remember all three of us had gotten distracted from our mission of gathering up vegetables and meats, to find ourselves lingering near the jewelry and clothing section.

"Oh! These are beautiful gems aren't they Oriane." I focused on Hina who held up a pair of red ones up to her ear a soft little giggle leaving her as she model for them.

"They would suit your eyes." I told her with another soft smile slightly moving so I wasn't bumping into Makio who held a very pretty looking purple kimono to her body spinning left and right.

"Wonder if this would make my ass look fat." She muttered more to herself glancing backwards at herself with a loud huff of disbelief. I could say I was so distracted by a set of earrings. I suppose it was the icy shade that had a small flash glowing behind my eyes with a trembling hand, I scooped one up slowly to my eye level to stare at it like I was holding my breath. It was like... Keeping a piece of him forever.

"Do you like those Oriane? Would you like me to get them for you." I turned my head to see it was Makio who was beaming at me already digging in her side pouch to grab something full of money in it. A very faint smile grew on my face before I spoke to the two who seemed to tense up so quickly at my next words.

"On the night I went missing. Everything had gone well all the way as planned. I had the human men arrested. It was the other side that I wasn't prepared for. I had been poisoned by a demon in a encounter with him. Such a handsome like demon.. With horns and long hair colored like the white snow. Icy blue eyes he had." I paused for a moment my fingers still tracing them slowly.

"His name was Kouri he was a ice demon, who had kidnapped me. In return he wouldn't hurt the town people." Hina seemed to be holding her breath so much a very deep look of pain filtering in her eyes as she gulped.

"You.. You said was? You speak of him in past tense." She told me gently, I gave her a head nod cradling the earrings.

"Yeah... He killed himself he walked out into the sun.. I would like these earrings." I told Makio gently that was the first time I opened up to anyone about him yet, Makio seemed to have snapped out of it giving me a quick head nod as I handed them over to her which she took.

"I'm so sorry you were taken from us Oriane but that never will happen again, we promise we are always gonna be a family now." Her beaming was enough to put me at ease, she had paid for the earrings quickly handing them over to me in a black box which I polity took bowing my head at her cracking open the box holding my breath again as I smiled at her gently.

"Being a family does sound nice." I whispered causing her to beam a smile at me more before she turned her head up into the air for a moment sighing deeply placing her hand on her hip.

"I can already hear Suma whining up a storm and we've barely been here an hour." I faintly smiled as we moved on from the stand hearing loud shouting.

"But Lord Tengen! I need to make the best cake that I possibly can!" Makio had the look of pure annoyance across her features, causing me to giggle quietly.

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