Chapter 1

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Arashi Point of View:

It's been a week with shadow clones. I have finished reading and learning everything in the library. Also I have become used to this female body so that no one will ever question why I act too male-like. Kurama has tortured my soul through lessons of being ladylike. Why the hell do females need to know a proper way of sitting and speaking! I call this bullshit! But I still learned it, so when I talk to that stupid council I can threaten them in a very scary way. I never knew how satisfying it would be to take someone down without using violence, force, or curse words and just being a proper lady. I can't wait to go to Konoha!

"Kit, we will rip the council to shreds. But first make sure to seal all the scrolls in the library into the seals on your skin," Kurama reminds me.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot. Shadow clone jutsu!" I say.

"Hey boss! What did you need us for?" A clone asks.

"I want you all to start sealing the scrolls in the library into the seals on our body," I answer.

With my order, we all start sealing the scrolls. Once we finish, I thank my clones and release the jutsu. I take the kimono and headband that I found on the island, and put them on. I take my Katana and attach it to my waist. Finally, I put a cloak on, so I can get to Konoha undetected. I activate the seal that will hide my chakra underneath nature chakra and set off.


It's been a day, and I finally arrived at the borders of Konoha. I walk towards the gate and see Izumo and Kotetsu sleeping. They look much younger. I walk towards them and tap them. They startle awake and face me.

"Who are you and what is your purpose for entering Konaha?" Izumo questions.

"My name is Arashi and I am here to visit my brother who lives here," I state.

"Who is your brother?" They ask.

"Minato Namikaze," I state and pull my hood down to reveal my face.

They both freeze in shock.

"Hello? Um... So can I go see my brother or not?" I ask.

"You will have to come with me to the Hokage," A voice says.

I turn and see an Anbu with a raven mask. I feel their chakra and realize that they are Uchiha.

"Why would I need to go meet the Hokage when I am here to meet with my brother?" I question.

"The Hokage will explain to you why," The Anbu states and teleports us to the Hokage.

I look to see JiJi sitting on the Hokage chair. He faces me and looks shocked.

"Hokage, this is Arashi Namikaze who is here to meet her brother Minato Namikaze," The Anbu states.

"Arashi Namikaze Uzumaki actually," I say,

"Namikaze Uzumaki?" Hiruzen questions.

"Before I explain anything I need to you to dismiss your Anbu if you want answers," I explain. 

"You can all leave," Hiruzen states.

I feel the Anbu leave and luckily there is no Root Anbu spying on Hiruzen today. 

"I am going to place down a privacy seal," I say.

I take out my brush and ink and start drawing on the wall a privacy seal. I put my hand across the seal and push my chakra through, activating it. 

"You are very proficient with seals" Hiruzen states.

"I am partially an Uzumaki afterall. Minato and I are half siblings. He is 6 years older than me. We both have met each other once when we were younger, before my dad took me away. Our mother was a Namikaze and my father was an Uzumaki. So now can I meet my brother?" I ask.

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