10• The Aftermath

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The next morning in Amara's Mansion

Amara woke up with a jolt she realised she was still on the washroom floor the wound she made had stopped.
But blood was splattered on the floors
She heived a deep sigh knowing she is far to mentally drained
She had taken a lot of pills to calm her anxiety forgetting about the dosage advised
She had a concussion and only coffee could help her with that.
She went downstairs to the kitchen to make coffee for herself
She brewed herself some fresh black coffee she flinched when she heard a loud bang some hot coffee spilled on her hand.
She didn't feel the pain.
She was more furious on the fact that somebody dare to enter her mansion when she prohibited anyone to.
A great start to another morning she said to herself
"Where are you Ms. Amaara Aghnihotri"
She rolled her eyes at the voice of her dramatic friend. One and only jake brown

"How dare you? After i strictly said to not kill anyone you killed him and left your name on him huh.?" Jake said

"Erinyes it was erinyes that i wrote
I like thrill in my life." Amara said in an obvious tone

"Thrill?? Thrill?
My foot amara "
He screamed and threw the coffee on the table which later splattered on the floor, cup shattering into pieces .

"You disobedient woman "jake screamed


Amara loud voice boomed
eyes red, she wrapped her hand around jake's neck and pinned him to the nearest wall.
"Just because you are my friend doesn't mean i won't kill you.
Raise your voice again little boy and i would chop you into tini tiny pieces and feed you to my dogs.
And .......Do you think i forgot about your little stunt
i went there with You!!
And you left me there just to fuck around you Swine.
Amara left his throat and moved away from him.

Jake soon realised his obvious mistake to leave his friend all alone who has some serious issues with people around her.

"Look i am sorry i shouldn't have raised my voice at you and it was wrong of me to leave you there all alone .
Now we good friends again??" Jake said in anticipation

Amara didn't reply she rather looked around her head was now killing her.
She started massaging her temples to ease the pain.

Loud noises have a huge effect on her.

All this while jake bent down and started picking up the pieces of the shattered cup.

He looked up to see amara's expression.
But something else caught his eye
First were the fresh wounds on her thighs
That looked painfull.
"What the heck??" Jake said in disbelief.
"Sit down amara "

She didn't move an inch
"i said sit down dude"
he held her hand which got burnt from the coffee
Amara slightly showed her discomfort.

Jake's eyes went down to her hand to get a closer look her hand was burnt and wounds on her thighs.
ake took amara to settle her on a couch all while he had unshead tears in his eyes.
Amara was special to him he himself was an orphan and the closest to a family for him would. Be amara.
She saved him from bullies.
He became her sidekick after that.
She was like his sister whom he loved a lot.

Jake doesn't know anything about amara's past all he knows is something bad
really bad had happened with her.
Resulting her to behave like this.
Whenever he would ask her anything about her childhood she would become violent.
And he abruptly stopped asking her.

"What triggered you favore?? "Jake gave her this nickname because she was his only favourite person.
(Favore = favourite)

Amara looked at him with emotionless eyes.
"Nothing i just saw that man trying to assault a little girl so i had to clear the way."
She said not guiltily.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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