Ch. 11

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Author POV

Peter stares at the women in front of him, and even though she has different hair color, he knows that's her, he knows that's his birth mother, The Black Widow Natasha Romanoff. Natasha sees his hair, a redish brown, and his green eyes, just like she remembers them.

They just continue to look at each other, but then Natasha makes the first move and walks towards Peter, "Hi honey", she says. Peter then starts to cry little by little and then walks towards her and hugs her, "it's OK, I'm here.... don't cry anymore", she says in a soothing manner, as she rubs his back.

Peter manages to speak through his sobs, "Im sorry for crying, but it's just alot right now", he admits, as he wipes away his tears, "why don't you guys have some alone time in one of the rooms", says Pepper.

Peter and Natasha go into a room, and Pepper closes the door so they can have privacy. Peter and Natasha sut on the bed and Peter relaxes a little bit, "mom?", "dont worry honey, it's gonna be ok... you must have alot of questions". Peter nods as he wipes away some tears, "why? Why did yoy give me away?", he says, as he almost breaks, which makes Natasha break herself.

Tears start coming from Natasha's eyes, "I gave you away, to give the life I never had", she says. "You see, when I was growing up, I was taken into an organized, a bad organization, and they trained me to be an assassin, a spy-", she stops, as she looks at Peter.

"- When I was 16, I was gonna go through The Graduation Ceremony, but because I was the best of the best, they instead got me pregnant, with you", she says. "Wait, they got you pregnant? Forcefully?", he asks and Natasha nods, "yes, but I want you to know, that while I was pregnant with you, I feel in love with you, you were my child, you were my son", Natasha says.

Peter then starts crying, not being able to hold it anymore, "it's OK honey, don't cry, don't cry", she says, as Peter cries into her shoulder, making her cry as well.

They just hold onto eachother and cry, but they pull away and wipe their tears, "Peter, when you were born, that was the happiest day of my life! Nothing could ruin that moment for me... until I heard why they wanted me to have you" she says.

Peter just looks and listens as Natasha strokes his face, "what was the reason?", "if you were born a girl, they would've trained you like me, but since you were born a boy, they were gonna give you to Hydra", "Hydra? You mean-", "yes, that Hydra".

Peter tenses up, which doesn't go unnoticed, "don't worry, when you were a year old, I met someone who was sent to kill me, but he gave me a choice-", she says. Peter holds her hands as she tears up, "he said for to to join Shield, or I die, and it was an easy decision to make", she says.

"Who was it?", "it was my best friend", "Hawkeye?", she nods, "his name is Clint", she says as she smiles, "like I was saying, he gave me the choice and I answered immediately, wanting tobsave you from what I went through, and we got you out and got to safety, and Fury was pissed, Clint was sent to kill me, but he made a different call", she says.

"What happened? How'd I end up with Mary and Richard?... that feels weird", he says, making Natasha smile, "well, they were scientists for Shield, always creating new gear for us, and I know they were trying to have their own child-", "but they never could", Peter finishes, which she then shakes her head as a no, "No! But I could tell they would've made great parents, because when I had to talk privately with Fury, they watched you for that period of time and-".

Natasha cuts herself off, as tears once again come out, " - I knew that if I was to keep you, I wouldn't be able to give you a normal life, and that is what I wanted for you, a normal life", says. Peter then starts letting his tears go, "when I found out you were my mother, I- I thought you didn't want me", he says in sobs, "no, t-thats not true! I never once stopped thinking about you. Even when I thought you were in the plane crash that killed them, I thought you were with them", she says, as she breaks down.

Peter hugs her, "I lived, and I'm right here", he says, making her cry more, "I don't know what to say because, I just... I just-", he stops as he now cries even more, "honey, it's OK, were together again", "Mom, I don't even remember you from my childhood but I cant help but to cry", he says.

Minutes pass as they cry while hugging eachother, then they hear a knock, "it's May, can I come in?", she asks, making both Natasha and Peter wipe their tears, "yes, please come in", says Natasha.

May walks in and see's a tearful event, "you two ok?", Peter nods, "were great May, I have my mother back", "and I have you back honey". They touch their foreheads as they smile, making May smile, "that's wonderful, I love family reunions", she says, snapping a photo.

Peter pulls away and looks at his bag, "now or never", he says, "Mom, I wanna tell you something? If Tony hadn't told you already", "what, is something wrong?", "no, it's just- he didn't tell you did he?", she shakes her head.

May goes wide eyes, "are you sure Peter?", "I don't wanna keep a secret, even but remember, you know what I'm gonna say, and you were furious with Tony when you found out". She remembers, "oh yeah, this is gonna be good, she's gonna be livid!", "what, what's going on?", ask Natasha, who's confused.

"Mom, we've met before", "we have? When?", "at the Germany Airport in Leipzig, about 7 to 8 months ago, you see mom-", Peter pulls out his suit from his bag and Natasha recognizes it, "I'm Spiderman, or as Tony said Underoos!".

Peter closes his eyes and fear and expects his mom to scream but when nothing happens she hugs him "oh my god, I stood next to my son.... AND WHAT THE HELL WE'RE YOU DOING THERE ANYWAYS?", she screams, making Peter flinch. "It was Tony, he said he'd tell my identity if I didn't go mom, he pretty much blackmailed me!", he says back.

Peter looks at his mother and her saddened face is replaced with an angry face, "Tony, you're in God's hands now!", he says, "Peter sweetie, thank you for telling me about this, you are a good son, but excuse me, I have to talk with Tony!", she says, saying Starks name with venom in her tone, scaring Peter.

Natasha walks out and see's Tony with Pepper and walks slowly towards him, and everyone notices her angry expression, "oh no, that's not good", "STARK!".

Natasha screams and walks over to Tony, "YOU TOOK MY SON TO LEIPZIG, AND BLACKMAILED HIM!". "Woah, Nat, what are you talking about?", asks Steve, "Peter, my son, is Spiderman!", Natash says.

Silence... "Really Tony? You took her son to Germany?", says Steve, loudly, "yes he did, and of all the stupid shit you've done, this takes the cake!", Natasha says in a venomous tone, "and if you ever think of doing something that stupid with Peter again, I WILL KILL YOU! YOU HEAR ME!".

Tony nods as he cowers in fear, "yes", "YES WHAT?", "yes ma'am!", he says. Natasha looks at him, "I got my eyes on you Stark!", she says as she turns around and walks back to the room she was in with Peter.

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