Ch. 4

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Authors Note

I couldn't wait to get this Chapter out. Hope you Like it.

Author POV

The Next Day

Peter wakes up and finds May has left early again to help out at the F.E.A S.T Center, as she always does for the weekend. He eats some breakfast and changes into something comfortable, but then stops and sees the USB of his dad's... of his adopted dad's.

He remembers the other video he didnt see, a part 2 of the truth, and maybe that has information about who his parents are. He then changes into a blue jeans, a shirt with a science pun and a jacket and then calls Tony, "hey Kid, how have you been?", "I've been good, but I was wondering if I could ask a favor?", "shoot" , "I need a computer, and I was wondering if I could head over and use on at the Compound, if that's OK with you", "yeah, I'm here anyways and so is Rhodey, I'll send Happy to pick you up", "you got it".

Peter ends the call and waits for Happy to pick him up. He heads down stairs to wait for Happy and doesn't wait for more then 10 minutes, learning Happy was close by, "hey Pete", "hey Happy". They drive to the Compound and find it nearly empty, while walking in, "Underoos, how's it going?", "well, you tell me how it's going when I tell you what I found out", "and that would be?", "... I'm adopted", " you're adopted?", "yeah, that's why I wanted to come over, to find out more of my parents from this USB , and I didn't wanna be alone this time", says Peter, as both Tony and Happy understand, "well, you always got us, Pepper, Rhodey and May... has she explained the situation?".

"Yeah, we talked it out last night and I understand why she didn't tell me", "thats good, I wouldn't want you to hold a grudge against her", says Tony.

Tony leads Peter to an  open computer when he finds Rhodey, "hey Kid, good to see you", "yeah, it's been awhile", "what are you doing here? Is Tony still trying to convince you to join the team?", "no, I respect his wishes of him not wanting to join the team, and he's here for personal business", "yeah, it's just... you'll see, even though it's kinda personal".

Peter plugs in the USB and shows the video of where his adopted father Richard says Peter is adopted, which catches Rhodey by suprise, "you ok kid?", "yeah, me and May had a conversation and she explained everything to me". Rhodey is happy that he talked this with his Aunt May, knowing how close they are, "well, were all here for you", "yeah I know, better I do this hear than the library", says Peter.

He then plays the second video and his adopted father shows up, "Peter, this time this video is about who your real mother is. Now your father is a mystery, but your mother is not.... when we met, she was just a teenage mother, but I can tell she loved you with all her heart...". Peter just listens has Tony puts a hand on his shoulder.

"She was a strong and remarkable women... she wasn't from around New York, and neither are you... ". Peter pauses the video, "what does he mean I'm not from New York?", "maybe he adopted you from another country?", "that can't be... can it?", asks Happy, "only one way to find out".

Peter unpauses the video, "... your mother isn't exactly an American, but she lived in America... she's from Russia, as are you....". Peter widens his eyes, "... I'm Russian?". For Tony, he starts thinking about things, 'I know a Russian, and if she's Peter's mother, I'm gonna freak out!'.

"Peter, your mother's name in Russia is Natalia Alianovna Romanova, but her real name is Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow". Peter pauses the video, "...  I'm sorry what?", asks Rhodey, ".....", "Romanoff is your mother..... SHIT!", says Tony.

Peter is still speechless, "......". He turns around and everyone sees the shock on Peter's face, "... you ok kid?", ".... not really? I just found out my mother... is an Avenger?!?". Tony looks down and remembers the last time he and Romanoff were together.

He sits next to Peter and looks him into the eyes, "... Peter... I need to tell you something".

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