Ch. 5

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Author POV

Natasha is currently in her hotel room, drying off from taking a shower, but she can't help bit to think of her son... 'what would he say about me? would he still love me after what I've done?', she thinks to herself.

She remembers that redish brown mop of hair he had, those amazing green eyes, and that smile that made her day alot easier. She was devastated when she gave him up, but she did it so he can have a normal life.

Her heart was broken when she learned the family he was given to was killed and she immediately thought her son was a victim. She cried for days after hearing the news, but her best friend who knew about her son was there for her, and she has been greatful to Clint for that.

In New York

Peter follows Tony into a private room so the two could talk privately about Romanoff, "... listen kid, I wanna say something", "where is she, I haven't really seen her since the batlle all those months ago". Tony stays quiet as he rubs his nose but then looks at Peter, "it's my fault she's not here... remember at the Airport when Rhodey feel from the sky?".

Peter just nods remembering that horrible experience for Rhodey, "well... she and I had an argument and... I'm not gonna suger coat it, she betrayed the Accords and is now a criminal", says Tony, as he looks into Peter's eyes.

Peter just nods as he closes his eyes, and he remembers standing next to her for a time at the Airport fight, "... do you know where she is?", "no... but I know someone who she's probably with", Tony says bringing out the flip phone, "... a flip phone?", "it's a burner phone, and if you want me to, I can call her over".

Peter thinks for awhile as he looks at the phone in Tony's hands, 'she's just a phone call away'. Peter then shakes his head, "no, not yet... I need time to process all of this info", "... We understand kid, and we're all gonna be here when you need us", Tony says, messing with Peter's hair, "hey, not the hair", says Peter.

A Few Hours Later

Peter is currently at home trying to process what he just learned... that his true birth mother is The Black Widow, a founding member of the Avengers. He doesn't know what to think of it, but he wants to learn more about her, so he fixes his computer, which now runs more efficiently and with more speed and finds the data from SHIELD and looks through files before finding information about her.

He reads and finds nothing on him in the files she is mentioned on, so that means she kept him safe... which means she really did care for him and his safety.

He stops after learning alot about her and what she's done... but that doesn't change the fact that she's always been his 2nd favorite Avenger, behind Stark of course. Peter is now remembering how he was near her at the Germany Airport almost year ago... but to be honest, Peter doesn't even know if he wants to meet her, not when he feels content with what he's got right now.

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