Ch. 10

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Author POV

"Oh God, In just a few hours, I'm gonna meet my son... I don't know if I can do this", says Natasha, making Tony chuckle, "you know, since he found out that you were his mother, he was like that, you really are his mother, the same insecurities... but like we've told him, we're gonna be here for you Nat". Natasha looks with comfort at Tony.

Happy then walks in with May, "oh, Natasha, I wanna introduce you to May Parker, she's been raising Peter for years", says Tony, as both women walk towards each other, "I can't believe I'm actully meeting Peter's mother,  it's good to finally meet you", says May. Natasha hugs May, which suprises May and everyone else, but May hugs back, "thank you for raising Peter... I wanna ask, does he even like me?".

That question makes May smile, "well, of course, even before he found out you were his mother, you've been his 2nd favorite Avenger, but you didn't hear it from me", says May. Natasha smiles, "how has he been handling all this?", "well, it hasn't been easy for him, he wanted to meet you since he found out, but he also needed time to digest all this info... I mean, just a few days I caught him crying... he told me he just couldn't help but to cry for you, he just wanted to meet you, but he was scared".

Natasha heart nearly breaks hearing how her son was crying for her, "oh God, I'm the worst mother ever", "no you're not, you wanted to protect him and give him the normal life you didn't have, I think he'll understand if you tell him that, he'll listen, he always does, right Tony?", says May

Tony nods, "well... he almost always listens", says Tony, "he's stubborn, really stubborn, but he's a good kid". Natasha just can't help but to just get excited to see Peter, her son, the one person she held when he was born, the one person who truly has all her love.

With Peter

3 Hours Later

Peter is currently walking outside of his school and see's Happy outside the limo, "hey Pete, how was your day?", "it was ok, just been nervous all day, umm-", Peter coughs and looks at Happy, "-is she inside the limo?", "no, she's in a secure place, where I am taking you, now get in", says Happy.

Peter jump into the limo and they take off to Tony's mansion. As Happy drives, he notices Peter's face, "you ok Pete?", he asks, "... yeah.... no, not really, I'm scared", Peter admits, "in 1 week's time, my life completely changed, first I find out I'm adopted, then I find out Natasha Romanoff is my birth mother and now I'm gonna meet my her", he says, sounding really nervous.

"... You wanna hear a story? This goes back to when me and Tony first met her-", he strays off for some moments, "- She walked in and we couldn't help but to look, and we didn't know she was an Agent of SHIELD at the time, but we learned slowly-". Peter just listens, not wanting to miss an opportunity to hear a story about his mom.

"- I was giving Tony some boxing lessons and she jumped into the ring and took me out with her signature leg moves and literally embarrassed me... but I found out about her being an Agent at the Stark Expo some time later and it all made sense, she played us, and was sent to watch over Tony-", "who was dying because of the Arc Reactor, yeah I remember that", says Peter.

Happy keeps driving, "... Tony spent more time with her than me after that, becoming Avengers and stuffs he knows more about her than I do-", says Happy, as he turns into a street, "we're close, just another 15 minutes and we'll reach Tony's mansion".

Peter looks outside and starts getting more nervous, "I'm freaking nervous, and to be honest, being Spiderman doesn't take this much courage ", he says, as a smile creeps on his face.

With Tony

Natasha, Steve and Sam have changed from their uniforms into something comfortable. Natasha is hearing stories of Peter from his life, when Tony gets a call. He puts the calling speaker, "we're almost there, just another few minutes", says Happy, and now Natasha starts to feel nervous, "this is it, it's gonna happen, he's coming".

Natasha and May stand up and walk towards Tony, "trust me, he'll warm up to you quickly, he isn't one to just hate people without meeting them first", says Tony, which May nods in agreement.

As time passes, she gets more nervous, which May notices, and soothes her, "don't worry, everything is gonna be fine", May says, as they hear the limo pull up, and after almost a minute the door opens, and Natasha see's him, she see's Peter, her son.

With Peter

Happy pulls into the driveway and Peter gets out of the limo and walks towards the door slowly, 'this is it Peter, she's on the other side', he says to himself. He then opens the door and there she is his mother, Natasha Romanoff, "... Hi mom".

Author Note

wow, already over 300 view, and when I started editing and writing ths story and it's plot, it only had less then 100 views, so thank you.

Spider-Man: A Spider's RevelationsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora