A crazy Day(CONTINUED)

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(Tates POV)

I watch Y/n eat the waffles I made her while she's stuffing them in her mouth like crazy. "Damn Y/n mf you hung asf" I say to Y/n. "MHM" Y/n says with a mouth full of waffles trying to talk. "Girl don't choke on ur food! Eat slower LOL" I say to Y/n. (10 minutes later)- Me and Y/n finish up eating breakfast that I made, and then we go to the living room and watch some Netflix. "Hey Y/n, what do you wanna watch??" I say looking at her. "uhhhhhhhhh..... How about some I-Carly" She says with a smirking face. "Ooooo thats a classic show! Yeah sure!!!" I say. I turn on I-Carly on Netflix and relax on my comfy couch. Then Y/n looks at me and says "Hey Tate". "Yeah?" I say back to her. "Can I go do my make-up in ur room while you watch TV?" She says to me. "Yeah of course" I say smiling. "Yay!" Y/n says. 

(Y/n's POV)

I get up all excitedly to go to Tates room and I skip happily to there. I open her door and then close it behind me and look around for a hair tie or a scrunch to tie up my hair. "Found one!" I say happily. Then I go to her make-up desk and sit down and I see she has a Google Home speaker, so I then say "Hey Google, shuffle songs by Tate McRae" I say smiling. Then her speaker starts playing "You Broke Me First" and I get all happy cause its one of my favs. I start singing along to the song and mind you, I have a decent singing voice, I don't think its the best to be honest. Then it gets to the end of the song where it says "Now suddenly you're asking for it back, could you tell me where'd you get that nerve? Yeah you could say you missed all that we had, But I don't really care how bad it hurts, When you broke me first". Then when it gets there I start singing in a higher tone and when I sing those parts I say "YOU BROKE MEEEEEE-" with a high tone in my voice very loudly out-loud. Then after the song ends I sit there in shock thinking "what the actual fuck did I just do... OMG I JUST DID THE BEST SINGING IV'E EVER DONE!!!" I as I sit there freaking out. Then I didn't know Tate had walk in to see what I was doing and that I didn't know she had listened to me singing the whole time. "UH OH HI TATE!!" I say nervous. "Hey Y/n" Tate says smiling hard.

(Tate's POV)

I hear Y/n singing in my room while she's doing her make-up. I go in without letting her know i'm coming in the room. I walk in very quietly and stand there and listen to her sing and then she hits that note at the end of my song YBMF and I stand there in amazement shocked as hell. My jaw drops to the fucking floor. "HOLY SHIT Y/N!!! THAT WAS AWESOME AS FUCK!!!" I say to her in excitement. "CAN U DO THAT AGAIN PLEASE!!" I say to her excited as hell. "Omg Tate, you heard me singing!??" she says to me. "uh yeah duh. I'm not dumb stupid head" I say to her smirking. "So Y/n, when were you gonna tell me you could sing this good????" I say. "Uhhh... now??" She says with a nervous look on her face. "Calm down Y/n, I freakin loved it!!" I say. "You did?????!!!" she says back to me. "UH YEAH!" I say happily. "Y/n you need to start writing songs and start singing and doing song covers!!" I say to her smiling. "Uh Tate... I'm to shy to sing in front of people, and I don't know how to write songs.." she says to me. "Girl I can help you out LOL" I say to her. "You know Iv'e written all of my songs right?" I say. "oh yeahhhh! you're right lol" she says to me. "Well Y/n, lets get started! What's something you wanna write about?" I say. "uhhhhhhhh idk lemme think" Y/n says to me. "Okay, take your time love!" I say.

HI GUYS SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATES!! IVE BEEN EXTREMELY BUSY AND IVE BEEN GOING THROUGH A ROUGH TIME!! I love you all so much and thank you for all the love and support from you guys towards this book! I will post part 3 sometime asap when I can! <3 Next part there is gonna be a huge surprise :). Hope you enjoyed part 2! Let me know what you think in the comments! <3 love you!!

-Rosé R <3

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