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I felt stupid. Standing here all alone trying not to drink away everything I've been put through this past week. I pissed Rudy off for the last time. I like to think it wasn't my fault since I was just standing up for the girl I live with. Then again, she was right in everything she said. I looked like a complete idiot in front of everyone trying to be the bigger person. I haven't even gone home. Teshia is blowing up my phone. My mom is getting annoying with the new breakfast ideas she keeps talking to me about in the morning. I used to think I was doing everything right in this relationship, but why am I so unhappy?

"Get your hand off me! I'm not fucking drunk!" I quickly stepped back as a girl being pulled by a guy stopped right in front of me on the sidewalk. "I told you to go home from me hours ago!" He scoffed while releasing his grip on her arm.

"You want me to leave you here with that guy then?" He pointed at me and I was in shock instantly.

She laughed in his face before shoving his shoulder. "He's a lot hotter than you."

This was my cue to go back inside before I get decked in the face by a guy who may or may not have an inferiority complex. Before I could get two inches away, he continued to pull her down the sidewalk, and in came the view of a silver Nissan car that stopped right in front of the club. I knew it was rideshare because he had the company sticker on the bottom of the front window.

I wanted to ask if he could just get me a lift home and I'll pay him extra but I couldn't believe who stepped out. "Nova... what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be standing in the front of this building." She nervously chuckled while closing the car door behind her. I had no choice but to stay now. "I just needed to get out of the dorm room. How are... you?"

I pushed my hair out of my face and took a few steps closer to her. "I'm good. I needed to get out of the house too." We both smiled at each other having everything. "Do you want to grab a drink or dance? I only stepped out for some air. Wasn't going home or anything."


She stepped past me in these heels that made her taller than she was and an outfit that outlined every part of her figure. I knew I shouldn't have been staring as hard as I was just out of respect but there was never a day when I didn't stare at Nova. She's the kind of girl who caught your eye when she's shy, when she's smiling, when she's focused, and even when she is upset.

We went straight to the bar just so she could reach the same level of intoxication that I was in which wasn't that deep. I had a beer, two shots, and then some water. "Can we get two shots of Vokda Passion?" The bartender gave me a thumbs up as we both took a seat next to each other at the bar. "What's been going on with you this past week?"

"Uhm... I'm taking an online class so it's been reading assignments and exams every week." She looked embarrassed to admit it but I thought it was amazing. She's always strived to be great.

"I think that's-"

"Here you go."

She placed the shots in front of us and I pushed them towards Nova. "Both of them?" I nodded confidently. "I guess I have to catch up then." She downed both back to back with a grimace on her face. "Those are strong yet really good."

"Yeah. They call it a girly drink but I always get them." She giggled while wiping her mouth a bit. "Want to hit the floor? The songs are starting to speed up."

She agreed and before I could catch up, she was already out there doing what she does best and looking just as good as she always does. I didn't want things to be awkward so I stayed a good distance away. Next thing I know she was in front of me and her body was touching mine. Moving in slow motion in a way yet staying right with the beat.

Her face showed she was getting into it and her hips grazing mine was sending a beautiful message. She was comfortable. She then turned around and continued her movements. This time her hands grabbed mine and placed them on her waist. The many times I've danced with Teshia, I've never felt as if I knew what I was doing. I was always wrong. With Nova, she guided me. For once I was right.

"Remember homecoming?" She asked with a bit of curiosity in her voice. I leaned down closer to hear every word she was about to say. "How we were so... Entwined with each other." I nodded slowly even though every part of me was urging her to go on. "I never told you something." She then twirled to face me once again. This time I was in shock. "I should have let us happen. It should have been you."

"Clear the floor! Clear the floor! She's having a seizure!" Once again we were interrupted but by something more serious this time. A woman sprawled out on the ground was shaking and seizing with a man holding on to her shoulders in shock.

"He's doing it wrong." And to the rescue came Nova. She quickly positioned herself under the woman before putting her head on her lap. "Get her to her side." The man assisted and the woman began foaming onto Nova's lap. "Call for help!" The man scurried to grab the woman's purse and dig her phone. The incident went of for what felt like forever before she stopped seizing and Nova quickly reached for her wrist to find a pulse. The woman then starts moving barely and by that time Nova sighs in relief. "Her pulse is normal everyone." The club hollers as the man tried to get the ambulance on the line.

"Where did you learn to do all that?" I asked as the ambulance streaks off down the road. "That was pretty cool."

"It's textbook stuff. Cradle the head. Turn to side to prevent choking. You didn't know any of that?"

I chuckled as she looked at me like I was an idiot. "No. It's not normal that I look up how to save a person from a seizure." She agreed with me then pulled out her phone. "You leaving?"

"Yeah. It's best I get home before Edith so I can pretend I'm sleeping."

"I'll drive you."


I entered the dorm room as quietly as I could since I saw Edith's heel thrown about on the floor. Just when I got the door closed, here came her loud stomping from across the room. "I know-"

"What the hell?! You up and fucking left like nothing! I scouted the whole club for you and nothing!" She crossed her arms over her chest as if she was my mom. "What excuse do you have? Where have you even been?"

"I went somewhere else to clear my head. It's not that big of a deal. You club hop all the time."

"Yeah! Because I'm with someone. You just go off and leave as if expecting me to be your babysitter for the night!"

That's the word that threw me off. She considers making sure I'm okay as a job instead of something friends do to look out for each other. Something I always did for her and never once complained. "Wow, Edith. I wish I can recall all the times I had to be your "babysitter" while you went on your heartbreak rendezvous all throughout the town! I watched over you when no one else could because no one gave a fuck about you! No one gives a fuck about you now either! You hang out with Angela only because Angela knows you'll attract the next eighty year old single to give out free drinks! I would never use you!"

"You don't know Angela like I know Angela." Is all she had to say for that conversation. "Get your shit together, Nova. If the first thing you're going to do when out at the clubs is run off to throw a hissy fit because men don't notice you then I think it's best you stay home and study for college like a rat cooped up in a hole in the wall."

Just A Girlfriend (BWWM) ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora