Chapter XII

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Day 02 of work undercover
Chicago, April 13. Tuesday. Spring.

The next morning, Erin woke up in Mike's bed with a headache, and Mike on the phone talking loudly was definitely not helping.

— Yeah man, a vacancy came up — Mike was talking on the phone — I remembered you because you asked me for a job

Mike heard what the man said and answered again.

— You will work for me, you will answer only to me — The man behind the line said something and Mike said — All right, man, I'm waiting for you at the usual place.

Mike ended the call and looked at Erin who was lying down looking at him.

— Good morning beautiful — Mike said.

—  What happened? —  Erin asked

— Nothing, I was just replacing that sucker Max.

—  I'm asking why I slept in your bed — Erin said, running her hands over her face.

—  relax beautiful. nothing happened — Mike said winking at her

After getting up and doing their morning hygiene, they went to the living room, where the staff was already awake.

— Max, you're out — Mike said as he entered the room.

— What? — the man asked

— I told you you're out — Mike said quietly — I don't want to betray me.

— Fuck, are you crazy? — Max asked — let's talk

— No talking to me — Mike said — Get out of here soon.

— I'll go, but my cousins go together. — Max said pointing to the women there

Mike just bowed to the door, not caring if he was going to be left with three fewer people on his team.

Erin just watched the situation. She knew Mike had trouble trusting people, but she didn't know that he was actually going to send the guy away.

Before Max walked out the door with his two cousins, Mike gave a warning.

— If the police come here and I find out it was you, you better pray.

— Damn Mike, we were three people short — Ben said — I want to see it now so I can get the truck off without attracting too much attention.

— Relax — Mike said — Doug is coming this afternoon.

— Doug, man? — Ben said laughing — that motherfucker is a badass

— Who's Doug? — Erin asked

—  The guy is a master of the art of stealing and lying, — Mike said.

—  why would you want someone who lies on your team? — Erin asked

— Because he knows that if he lies on top of me, he'll be dead. — Mike said taking a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it.

Erin didn't ask, she knew better not to ask too much.


That morning, intelligence members were already looking for clues about Mrs Thompson and the gang.

Kevin was looking at video footage from the airports from the day of the incident to the present day to see if Ms. Thompson had left Chicago. While Adam did the same with the Chicago bus station videos.

Antonio had gone out to talk to one of his informants about Mrs Thompson. Kim and Jay were reviewing files while Hailey was on her cell phone with an informant.

— So you take this job and keep me posted on everything — Hailey said into her cell phone.

— If possible, record what happens. Any information is valid — Hailey continued after the person on the other end said something

— I need to check with my boss, but I think he'll get you a camera disguised as a lanyard or something. — Hailey said — when are you leaving?

— right. I'm going to talk to my boss now and I'll call you in a little bit. — Hailey ended the conversation by turning off her cell phone and getting up and heading towards Voight's office.

She knocked on the door and received permission to enter.

—  Voight, there's an informant of mine who's been called to work with the gang — Hailey said without much delay.

— right, and what does he need? —  Voight asked, sitting up straight in the chair.

— He agreed to use some hidden camera device. — Hailey told — would have something like that to help him?

— Shit. — Voight says — has a pendant, but the recording is short. Do you think he can handle it?

— Yes sir. - Hailey replied - I only have him record when he has something useful.

— Okay, — Voight said, opening the drawer and taking out a crucifix pendant with a pebble in the center. — Here, to activate the recording, just press here

— Okay, I'll tell him — Hailey said.

— Unfortunately, it has less than 20 minutes of recording. — Voight said — We're out of a tech 

— My informant will take care of it. — Hailey said walking out of Voight's office, pulling out her cell phone to text to meet her informant.


Half an hour later, Hailey was in a coffee shop with her informant Doug.

— What am I going to record with that shit over there? There's not even enough space — Doug asked.

— It was the only thing we had — Hailey told him — record something extremely important.

The man rolled his eyes

— bossy

— I'm serious, Doug. — Hailey said authoritatively — if you don't want to go to jail, you better do exactly as I say.

— I get it — the man said — I'm going to record something really badass for you, sweetheart.

— Good — Hailey said as she walked out of the cafeteria.

Doug watched her leave the cafeteria with a small smile on his face.


In the early evening that same day, Doug arrived at the house Mike was renting.

— Family, I'm here — Doug said, announcing his arrival.

—  Whats up, man — Mike said, waving his hand.

— Where's your team, man? — Doug wanted to know

— The big one sent everybody away — Ben said, greeting Doug.

— They were asking too much — Mike said simply — let me introduce you, this is Erin — Mike said pointing to Erin who was sitting on the couch — Erin, this is Doug

—  Erin — Doug said seductively —  nice to meet you.

Erin greeted him, and sat back down on the couch. The three boys sat down and started drinking while they talked. Erin noticed that Doug was always staring at her, but didn't strike up a conversation with her.

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