Pushing away from the gate I looked up at the clouds and did a little happy dance. The man of my dreams does exist. He's larger and more intimidating than I expected but he exists and he's in my kitchen right now.

Taking another calling breath. I hurried down the little path to the side of the yard with the rose bushes and daisies I'd been working at. Smoothing out the dirt where I had been pulling weeds I put the small gardening spade and rake in the bucket I keep them in. Slidding the handle on my elbow I scoop up the pile of weeds with both hands, careful to get all of it and run it over to the trash can.

I'm at the gardening bench my grandfather had built years ago to store all our supplies at when the back door slides open. Pulling off my gloves I glance back at Kane. His wavy hair is all pulled back into a loose bun,  his short beard nicely combed.

The man's shoulders are so wide they take up most the doorway in his leather jacket covered in patches. In his hands are a ceramic pitcher with purple irises on it and two glass cups. The contrast between his club jacket that used to terrify me and the sweet little pitcher makes me giggle.

His green eyes find mine immediately, locking onto me as he closes the door. "What are you laughing at little flower?"

I put everything away shrugging. "Just how out of place you look here."

He grins, shaking his head as he walks toward me. Shaking any remnant dirt from my hands I hurry over to him. We meet at the edge of the porch and he places another kiss on top of my head. "I belong wherever you are Juniper."

I beam at him, my smile pulling at my lips.  "Well good." I nod seriously, wrapping both my arms around one of his. "Because I don't want you anywhere else."

He kissed the top of my head again. Butterflies flitted about, among the flowers and my insides.

Leaning on his toned arm I lead him through the back yard. The path of well maintained moss mostly straight but curved sometimes around a tree. We passed the kitchen garden and day lilies. Our fig and lemon tree. Gerber daisies and pecan trees.

"How big is your backyard exactly?" Kane asked after a few minutes.

I chuckled. "Two and a quarter acres. It doesn't seem that big from the front cause the yard isn't wider than any other, but it's really long."

"Wow." I watched him as he looked around. Seemingly in awe, I felt pride well inside me. Me and my family have worked very hard on our little oasis.
"How do you keep up with all of it?"

I bit the inside of my cheek at that. I can't tell him the truth. Oh you know, magic. I'm a witch, my whole family is. I may be falling for Kane, but I don't trust him enough to tell him that secret yet. So I go with a half truth.

"It maintains itself mostly. Everything is pretty settled in at this point." We circle around a blackberry bush and the path comes to our destination. A white pergola covers a wide expanse of brick floors which have moss and little succulents growing out of the cracks between some.

The four posts have thick vines growing up them from which wisteria grew. The whole pergola was covered in the hanging flowers in shades of lilac, deep purple, white, and pink.  Creating thick shade for the seating area underneath. Wicker seating covered the area.  Beautiful white wicker seats, love seats, and a chaise lounge all centered around two circular tables.

The bricks were cold under juniper's feet as they touched the bricks. She sat in the large love seat. Kane sat their drinks down on the table and sat next to her.

"Grandma started this garden. Raised mom back here. Then when we moved back all of us helped back here. Most of what's back here is from grandma's hard work." I shrug as Kane takes off his jacket trying not to stare at how his muscles flex. "I mostly maintain it. This is the only part that's all mine."

I gestured to the seating and wisteria above us. "This used to be a little pumpkin patch. But we all talked about wanting a seating area to relax in away from the house. It was after grandma passed that I came up with this idea. I told everyone about it at dinner. Offhand thinking nothing would come of it. Two days later grandpa and Junior are in the garage building. Mom was back here moving the pumpkin patch further back."

I get a little sad looking around. Remembering how fun it was to build this as a family.  To share a passion for something as a family. "I left for college two weeks later. Then grandpa went to the seniors home. This is actually the last thing the four of us ever worked on together."

A thumb brushing my cheek brought my eyes back to Kane he had a small smile. He was wiping a few stray tears away. "It's beautiful angel. I wish I could have meet them. They had to be incredible people to raise such a gifted woman."

I smile at that, ducking my head. Inside I was glowing at the praise. "I think grandpa would have liked you."

"Oh yeah?"

I nod enthusiastic, looking back to him. "Oh yeah. He never liked any of my past boyfriends even though mom did. He said they were to prissy. That I needed a real man who could adore me and take care of me." I rambled of the familiar words, having heard them a thousand times. After realizing that I said I wanted him to adore me as the words slipped out I got nervous and embarrassed.

Laughing like my grandpa's thoughts were ridiculous I leaned forward to distract myself by pouring the drinks.

"I think I would like him too."

I handed him his glass.  "Really?"

"Really." His deep voice was soft as he ran the backs of his fingers along my jaw up to my ear leaving shivers as he went. "Adoration is the least you deserve, and the weakest word to describe how I feel for you."

He cupped the side of my face. As I was over come by a tornado of emotions and closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath I tilted my face into his palm. "How in the world am I supposed to respond to that?" I whispered into his hand, keeping my eyes closed as both my hands clutched my drink in my lap.

He chuckled. "You don't have to. I don't expect anything from you Juniper. All I give is my honesty."

Opening my eyes I looked up at him.  His eyes were filled with such love and devotion I was left speechless. Turning my face into his hand I left a gentle kiss on his palm. Then I did the most terrifying thing I could do in that moment. I spoke the truth.  "I think I'm falling for you Kane."

"And I for you." He gently tilted my chin back to look into his gorgeous green eyes with my brown ones. "I'm going to kiss you now."

"Okay." I barely breathed out the word before his lips were on mine. Soft and full. Gentle yet demanding. Slow but possessive. It was earth shattering. I saw stars. His hand tangled in my hair, pulling it loose from its bun. My hands gripped his shirt, his shoulders, pulling him closer. I needed him closer, against me more than I'd ever needed anyone. Drinks spilled forgotten on the ground as I lost myself and found myself against Kane's delicious lips.

Kane - Dullahan RidersWhere stories live. Discover now