Chapter 5

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Draco, Draco wake up. Draco, Draco....

I gasp awake as though I have just breathed air after years of drowning, the nostalgic voice still ringing in my ears. It's strange, I've heard that voice before, it seems a million times, but when it visited me in my dreams I can't place it. Now that I think about it, that was a strange dream, it felt so real, like a memory. But I don't know any girl with choppy black hair and lips as red as those, it seemed they were covered in blood. It made no sense, but I wake with an overwhelming feeling of longing for something I don't know of. Picturing that girl who called my name, so helpless and fragile, I long for her.

I doesn't help that I couldn't see the girls face as she attempted to shake me awake, her short hair covered her eyes so I can only guess what her features look like. All pieces of a puzzle I may never be able to complete. I slide out of bed and attempt to think of happier things. Christmas, for example, is today, and that means visiting the Yaxley's. The fact that I get to see Scarlett today is something I look forward to, though I doubt she feels the same way. I honestly can't blame her though, I'd hate me too if I were her, what with the way I act. But I think back to something she told me earlier in the year, and my thoughts contradict this.

I don't want to hate you, but you make it really difficult for me not to.

So she doesn't hate me, and nor does she want to. For whatever reason, the thought eases my conscience a little, but I tell myself that it isn't because it's Scarlett specifically, but more so because I know that someone in the world doesn't hate me. That, I know, makes no sense whatsoever, but I'll tell myself anything to make me stop thinking about her. Which leads me onto the next problem: I can't seem to stop thinking about Scarlett recently. It's not like an obsessive thing, but with every little thing I do, she finds a way into my mind. I sigh as I wash my face and stare into my bathroom mirror. It's not like I have feelings for her or anything, is it? The thing is, I've never had feelings for anyone before, so I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to feel like. But I've known Scarlett since we were infants, it make no sense for me to suddenly catch feelings for her now. Yes, I decide, that's it. I can't possibly have feelings for Scarlett, she annoys me almost as much as I annoy her. Almost.

I rub my eyes and run a hand though my hair, satisfied with how I look. Once ready, I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, only to be greeted by Dobby, the house elf.

"Master Draco is awake now," he states plainly, and I roll my eyes at him in annoyance, "Would Master Draco like his breakfast now, Sir?"

"Sure," I shrug, "Where are my parents?"

"In the drawing room, Sir," Dobby replies with a low bow, so low his forehead touches the floor. I watch him with growing irritation, and speak up only when he has remained in the position for a moment to long.

"You can get up now, Dobby," I drawl, and the ugly thing looks up at me gratefully. He says nothing, simply turns away and returns to the kitchen.

"Draco Darling?" My mother calls upon my entrance to the drawing room, "I'm afraid we're on a bit of a tight schedule, so have your breakfast and open your presents as fast as you can. Then go upstairs and change into the clothes Dobby pressed for you, ok?" I nod in agreement, and then stare at my father, who doesn't acknowledge my presence. I walk over to the dining table and stare at the full english breakfast laid out for me, and then at the presents below the grand Christmas tree. Despite these luxuries, there is no warm, festive feel in the air, and I long to hurry up and leave the house. I stuff my breakfast into my mouth as quickly as possible, ignoring the beautifully wrapped gifts waiting for me, and begin to walk back up the stairs into my bedroom. Upon doing so, I hear a voice speak up again.

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