Chapter 2

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I wake up to find the dormitory in the same tranquility I fell asleep in. But the sun has already risen and it is clear that the silence will only last a few moments longer. Carefully, I slide out of bed and tiptoe over to the bathrooms. The room is filled with a golden hue of sun beams erupting through the window, and out of the frosted glass panes I can see the silhouette of trees swaying softly in the zephyr. It was a balmy September day, a good day, I tell myself as I splash water on my face and brush my teeth, for pathetic fallacy always plays a part in my mood; if the weather is good, then I am also good. As I am lazy and unbothered to do anything with , I merely brush it and hope that looks presentable enough. My hair is a strange dark black, which makes no sense as my mother's head is filled with chestnut brown locks, and my father's has been grey for as long as I can remember. My mother is so beautiful and poised, I almost feel bad for her knowing that I will never be even remotely be able to resemble her, I can only hope that I grow up and let a sudden beauty overtake me.

Once satisfied with my appearance, I step out of the bathroom and pull my robes on. And, just as I imagined, the dormitory has come to life again. India gives me a feeble wave and a yawn when she spots me, then continues to vigorously brush through her tangled knot of blonde hair. Seeing as I'm ready, I go over and help her.

"I'm so excited for breakfast today," Su sighs whilst filing her nails, "I saw a really cute Slytherin boy staring at me yesterday, I wonder if I'll see him again."

"Well if you're 'so excited' then why didn't you wake up earlier," Lisa grumbles quoting Su, "You haven't even washed your face yet and classes start in fifteen minutes."

"And there's no such thing as a 'really cute Slytherin boy' Su, they're all monsters with incredibly good facades," I add dismissively.

"Are we done?" Lisa asks, clearly bored of the chit chat, "Can we leave?"

"Oh, but I haven't even gone to the bathroom yet-" Su whines desperately.

"Too bad, we're leaving you behind. India, Scarlett, let's go. And god knows what Padma's been doing in the loo for the last twenty minutes." And with that, the three of us leave and make our way downstairs to the common room.

"Morning Lisa," Michael Corner says hopefully when he spots us, but Lisa just rolls her eyes.

"Forget it, Michael," she says offhandedly, "You'll never be able to turn me on." Despite her being cruel and harsh, Lisa was incredibly beautiful in an alluring way, and had a demeanour that intrigued everyone she came across. It pleased me that she had taken a liking to me. "Breakfast, anyone?" she asks, turning to myself and India, "Ok, let's go then." And she leaves before India and I can disagree.

"We've all got Charms first, right?" asks India, looking at her timetable once we've made our way down to the Great Hall, "With the Gryffindors too."

"Great," Lisa says, "We get to meet Harry Potter then. I've been wondering what's so special about him."

"Fangirling over Potter now, are we?" Draco asks as he approaches us, "Really, Leta, I didn't know you could stoop so low."

"Piss off Dickhead," I scowl at him, but Draco simply laughs.

"As you wish, blood-traiter," and he leaves.

"What's his problem?" Lisa asks, "Actually, I don't need to know, I can see right through his type. We've got Transfiguration with Slytherin later, so that'll be interesting."

"Why'd he call you Leta, Scarlet?" India asks before biting into a scone. I sigh and roll my eyes, just the thought of Draco gets me annoyed.

"He heard my mother call me that and thinks it's funny if he says it too," I explain, "But it's not, and he's making a fool out of himself."

In Other WordsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora