Chapter 4

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"Oh my darling I missed you so much!" my mother exclaims whilst giving me a tight hug on the platform. She squeezes my cheek and looks at me thoroughly, "My," she gasps, "You've gotten so peaky! When we get home I'll have Mitzi make you an extensive dinner with-"

"Mum, it's ok!" I reply as I shrug her off of me, conscious of the attention she's drawing to us, "And I am not peaky, the meals at Hogwarts are perfectly fine."

"Yes, darling," she replies soothingly, "I know they are, but have you been eating them?" But before I can open my mouth to respond my mother speaks up again, "Are these your friends?" She asks with intrigue, pointing at India and Lisa who approach us. She gives them a jolly wave and an intoxicating smile that they both warmly return.

"You never mentioned your mum was a model," India gasps whilst shaking her hand, "I'm India, and this is-"

"Lisa," Lisa interrupts, keeping her hands wrapped tightly around her chest in defence. No matter how likeable my mother is, she's still a Yaxley, and Lisa is still a muggle-born. In fact, Lisa's behaviour reminds me that I really am not supposed to have muggle-born friends, or even half-blood in that case, and I desperately attempt to keep my mother away from the two of them in case someone slips up.

"Mum!" I exclaim, as though I have just remembered something, "Shouldn't we go? I thought you said Dad was waiting for us."

"Did I?" My mother replies, attempting to recount our conversation together., "I don't remember that."

"Well, I do," I say a matter-of-factly, "And I'm never wrong, am I?"

"That's," she hesitates, still deep in thought, "That's true, yes. Well then, we should go, oh, but it was simply wonderful meeting you two, you are welcome anytime." She tells India and Lisa, the latter of which rolls her eyes at this.

"You know you're not," I whisper to them discreetly, "Anyways, see you soon!" And with that, I lead my mother back to our car, back to safety. My mother starts the vehicle, a forest green , and we drive in silence for the next couple of minutes as I enjoy the short journey to my house, watching the London street view out of my window. It is a short journey because I live in the heart of Central London, a bustling and rich place, and King's Cross Station is very nearby. The only thing prolonging the journey is the inevitable traffic. When there is but a few minutes left of driving, my mother speaks up again.

"I know those friends of yours and not pure-bloods," she says quite plainly, "That is why you wanted me to get away from them, isn't it?"

"I-" But she cuts me off before I can reason with her.

"I do not need an explanation, Leta. Had you been placed in Slytherin this would not have happened," she continues, her refined voice monotonous.

"Well, see, that's exactly my point," I butt in, "You're leaving my choice of friends to be quite selective."

"Which is precisely why I do not care," she replies, to my utter surprise, "Your father might, but I do not. It would be hypocritical of me."

"What do you mean?" I ask confusedly.

"Well, the Delacours are not entirely pure-blood, you know my mother is a Veela."

"Yes, but..." I trail off, confused, "I never really thought about that."

"Well, all I'm saying is that I do not mind the blood status of the people you associate yourselves with. And your father is away too much to notice." My mother finishes just as she pulls into the gated driveway. I find myself visibly smiling to be back at home, though I love Hogwarts very much, the halcyon days of my youth come flooding back to me as I enter the grand doorway.

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