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𝙺𝚊𝚣 𝚁𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛

"I miss you dad" Kam said over the phone, I've been in here for a while no bond and they still ain't telling me what I'm in here for

"I miss you too bambam, how is school?" I asked but he started crying

"I know stink it's okay" I heard Heaven say, I'm not allowed visitors so I haven't seen them and she's not talking to me

"Stop crying Kam imma be home soon" I said

"Don't make promises like that Kaz you don't even know why you're in there and he doesn't need false hope" Heaven said hearing her voice gave me hope

"You right how are you buttercup I miss y'all so fucking much" I said almost she shedding a tear, I never been this long without seeing them, and I could only imagine the pain me being away is causing them

"I'm fine I passed cosmetology school so I've been doing hair at my dad's house, my dads building me a shop on wheels tho" she said excitedly

"That's good I seen Pootie YouTube video he hell" I said making her laugh the title of the video is "My sister boyfriend goes to jail before vacation"

"It was a good video, Kim had to drag Kam and I out of the hotel but we had an okay time" she said

"I'm sorry baby" I said

"Kaz don't because it's okay we're okay" she said sounding like she's about to cry

"I love y'all " I said trynna cheer her up

"I love you too, Kam's asleep I'll tell him you love him when he wakes up" she said

"Okay buttercup" I mumbled not wanting to get off the phone

"Take care of yourself Kaz please" she said before the phone hung up

"They good?" My cell mate asked once the guard brought me back to the cell

"I think so how yo kids?" I asked bruh got five lil gremlins and in for getting caught selling drugs

        "Bad as hell, my oldest done told his teacher he gone break me out so I can beat her ass" he said laughing

"Bruh if that don't sound like my luh boy" I said thinking about Kam, every time I call he always end up crying and not talking to me

       "Parker ya lawyer here let's go" a guard said while I turned around so he could put my cuffs on

"Jackson what they saying I did?" I asked my lawyer before sitting down across from him

"Privacy please" he said while the guard took my cuffs off and left

"The fbi been watching you, got hella evidence against you, we can go to trail but if you plead guilty they saying only three to five years" he said making me sigh

"I can't be in here any longer they set a bond yet?" I asked

"The judge don't want you out I can try to set up another hearing but expect it to be a lot because Kaz the file they have on you starts when you turned seventeen" he said

"So they got everybody else huh?" I asked

"No they ran, we gone go over all this evidence and you tell me what is and isn't true because most of it is hearsay and conversation between cops and junkies" he said laying hella files on the table

"Jackson I think my girl pregnant and I got a son, I can't stay in here we fighting this charge" I said shrugging

"Oh I figured, Kaz now December of twenty- eighteen they started this file on you, who was giving you drugs?" He asked

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