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𝙺𝚊𝚣 𝚁𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛

"Buttercup whatchu doing" I asked looking at
Heaven who had her face under my shirt

        "I'm sleepy" she mumbled laying her head on my lap, as soon as she got outta school she came straight home I mean to my house

"Go take ya school clothes off and get in the bed" I said rubbing her stomach

           "Mommy I'm sleepy" Kam said coming in the living room

"Y'all annoy me" I said shaking my head these two act just like each other

          "Dad we go back to shop" Kam asked sitting next to me

"What shop it's not time for y'all haircuts" Pretty said while poking my abs

          "Him gotta draw on body shop mommy" Kam said telling my business

"Kaz you finally picked a building I'm so happy for youuuu" she said excitedly while sitting up

"It was supposed to be a surprise" I said mushing Kam head

"Can I be the receptionist pleaseeeeee" she asked playing with my hair, she always gotta touch me

"What you need money for? I gotchu" I said watching her frown

"I just want to make money by myself" she said pouting

"We can't work together imma be distracted" I said watching Kamren fall asleep

"Can I have a kiss?" She asked rubbing her glossy ass lips together

"Not with that bat shit on yo lips" I said moving her head off my shoulder

"I'm finna put Bambam in his room first then imma come back and get you" I said kissing her forehead

After I laid Kam down in his bed I turned his sound machine and night lights on before going back in the living room

"Buttercup wake up" I said trynna shake Heaven awake

"Before you even think about getting in my bed you know how I feel about outside clothes" I said making her whine

"If you start crying I'm gone put you out" I said watching her stand up

"After my nap can we watch SVU together" she asked while I held her hand leading her to my room

"Yeah... do you need help?" I asked grabbing a shirt from my dresser

          "Yes" she said holding her arms up so I could take her shirt off

"Why you don't have a bra on Pretty" I asked putting my shirt on her before unzipping her skirt

            "My chest hurted this morning" she said wiggling outta her skirt making it fall down

"Put ya bonnet on and go to sleep" I said kissing her forehead before leaving the room

        "Bambam go lay down with yo mama I'm finna go" I said walking in Kam room

"Carry me" he said making me groan

After I put my kids down for their nap I left going to Jermerion house

"Son where is yo kid?" Merion asked once I walked into his house

"With his mama damn... why you looking for him?" I asked sitting on his couch

"Y'all always together foo I'm just trynna make sure you ain't leave my godson in the car or some" he said while I rolled up

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