xv. just a little push

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just a little push

CHAPTER XV: just a little push

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( January 1979 )


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SHE SHRUGGED OFF HER COAT AND SHOES TO LEAVE THEM DRY WHILE REGULUS WATCHED NOT DOING ANYTHING. "Well don't just stand there, take your coat off!" she laughed giving him a nudge. If Regulus pushed her in he could walk back into the warmth of the castle. He could. But then she would be alone outside in the cold with the risk of getting hypothermia.

      He did it anyway. Just a small push to her shoulder so she would fall into the cold lake and so he could escape, but she grabbed onto his arm, attempting to keep her on the old dock, but he splashed in with her.

The cold water covered their bodies completely like a blanket of ice seeping through their skin straight to their bones. Libillule opened her eyes under the water to see Regulus doing the same, staring at her. She laughed, bubbles fluttering out of her mouth, but had to quickly come up right after to avoid swallowing any water.

      When she reached the surface he came up right after. His dark hair almost blended in with the water while it slicked back on the nape of his neck. Hers did the same as his, only lighter looking and longer. Regulus' face was all different kinds of pink, the brightest being on his cheeks and ears while the cold finally tickled his bones.

      "Having fun?" she asked, the cold creating a cloud of smoke with her words.

      Regulus shook his head beginning to tremble like a cat caught in the rain. "No."

      "Didn't your mother ever tell you that lying is bad?" she teased.

      He rolled his eyes, "didn't your mother ever tell you not to fall for a Black?"

      The question caught her by surprise. So he did know about her feelings for him. Not just as her teasing or being friendly.

      The girl shook her head as he did. "Nope." Why lie when she just told him not to?

     Now, if Libillule hadn't been completely adamant about always looking at the boy, she would've missed the faintest smile he had been biting back, but she didn't. She saw it. He saw her see it. And he didn't put on a scowl, much to her surprise.

      "Good," was all he said. The words he thought fell from his lips for once and they startled him that he had actually said them out loud. But for once, he didn't regret it.

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