iv. you wrote back

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you wrote back

CHAPTER IV: you wrote back

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( October 1978 )

      October 78'

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      October 78'

            To the mantis who called me a bitch,

            You're a bitch. And once again, manners! And since you speak french, que penserait ta mère? I know you can read that, so there.

Also, don't tell me what to do. If you do I'll most likely do the opposite of it just to spite you.

Kisses all around, Mantis admirer.


October 78'

            To the Mantis admirer,

            In my defense, I didn't call you a bitch. You are one. But I simply told you to stop writing me these stupid letters. So, ha. And don't bring my mother into this. I'm certain if she met you she wouldn't like you just as I don't.

            Oh, and I do hope you stay safe on the ground and don't throw yourself off of the Astronomy Tower. That would be so so very sad.

            Not so sincerely, he who doesn't know why he's called Mantis.


October 78'

To the mantis who wrote back,

You seem to like not listening to yourself. You stated you wouldn't write back to me again and yet here you are, writing me a letter for me to respond to. But you're making progress, at least you didn't tell me in the letter not to write back.

And I truly appreciate you telling me to stay safe! Dearest, Reggie, I had no clue you cared so much about my well-being.

            Truly touched, she who won't tell the mantis why he is a mantis.


October 78'

To the papillon who won't leave me alone,

You truly are an annoying insect. How fitting.

            Annoyed but entertaining you, Mantis.

            P.S. call me Reg or Reggie again and I will hold a pillow over your face in your sleep.

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