"I know he won't stay. I know I'll have to make him choose and that I'll lose. I'm not setting myself up like this"

"But you don't even know, maybe he'd choose you. Maybe you will decide to leave and start your life with him. You don't know" Minji sighed and got up when she saw him walk over to the door.

Taehyung opened the door for her and left after her. The two walked in silence over to the elevator and all the way to work.

Taehyung briefly greeted everyone and immediately got to work. He would usually hang out by the bar but Jungkook was there, with his long black hair and black turtle neck, the boy looked very fine and Taehyung really didn't want to be near him right now.


The elder boy focused on his work in order to stop thinking about everything his friend had said earlier. It frustrated him that she didn't agree with him. For Taehyung, his way of thinking was absolutely right, it couldn't fail. But Minji was right about him, he didn't know anything, he lived his life with prejudices and making up how people felt in order to prevent himself from getting hurt. The only downside to living like that was that he would never allow himself to try new things. If there was a chance he could fail, then he shouldn't even try.

Taehyung scoffed, what a terrible way of thinking. He knew it would lead him nowhere, but he couldn't change his mind so easily. Even though part of him thought that Jungkook's arrival might have been the push he needed, he was still scared of embarrassing himself if the younger felt differently.

"I find him cute, it's not like I'm in love with the guy" Taehyung whispered as he tried to regain his composure.

"I can ask him out to the village, he said he was waiting to go with a friend" The brunette smiled and nodded his head. Yeah, that could work.

As he made his way back to the bar, the doors opened and in came a short haired brunette. Taehyung put down his platter and along with Handong, went to greet the girl.

"Dami! Come here" He smiled and hugged the girl before sitting her down.

"I'm frozen, I just came back from rescuing a skier that got lost while looking for his stick. Poor guy" Taehyung brought her a cup of warm wine, Dami was a guard just like Yoongi and was one of the group's favorite girls even though they would barely see her. Taehyung put the cup down and listened to the conversation.

"And so she told me that she had been busy with a friend all afternoon"

"Who are we talking about it?" Taehyung asked.

"Oh, Dami was telling me that she ran into Gahyeon during her shift"

"Yeah, I asked her to come with me on a skiing trip tomorrow along with Hoseok, Sua, Yoongi and Jimin but she said she was going to show the village to some new guy"

"Jungkook?" Taehyung asked once again.

"Yeah, I think that was it" Handong looked at Taehyung who scoffed and looked at the ravenette who was making drinks and laughing with Jimin.

The brunette stayed a bit more before going back to work. He felt stupid and disappointed about the whole Jungkook thing, it all proved his point. Never risk something if you're not sure you'll get it. He kept focused on his customers for the next fifteen minutes until his shift would end and prayed he wouldn't bump into the younger in the meantime.  


Everyone was done with their chores and were slowly leaving the restaurant. Taehyung was in the kitchen with Jimin, and Yoongi and was finishing cleaning his wet rag.

"So, what's the deal with Jungkook? Why is he here?" He asked.

"His parents cut him off when he started college, he needed the work to pay for tuition" 

"So he's a spoiled rich boy, figures" Taehyung scoffed, he was right. No way that boy was sticking around for more than one season.

"Nah I don't think so, he seems like a good guy to me. I don't think he's a snob or whatever. You coming, babe?" Jimin got up and extended his hand to his boyfriend who took it and walked away with him. 

The blonde bid goodbye to the two boys and left, leaving them both alone. Taehyung turned the lights off and exited the kitchen.

"Hey, Taehyung?" As soon as he stepped back inside the restaurant Jungkook called him up.

"Yes?" He answered in a calm voice.

"Want to walk back to our rooms together?"

"I'm not going home" Taehyung answered right away.

"So where are you going at this time of night? Girlfriend?" Jungkook teased.




"Can you tell me?" He asked.

"No" Jungkook pouted and went to stand next to Taehyung who tried to scoot away.

"Why are you like this? Talk to me, where are you going?" Jungkook looked at the boy who stayed silent and exhaled.

"Come on, Taehyung. Give me a chance, just one chance. I want us to be friends but you won't let me-"

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the village with me tomorrow" Taehyung said in a loud voice not looking at Jungkook.

"But if you want to go with Gahyeon, it's fine. Good night" The elder started to walk away but stopped when he felt the other grab his shoulder and run up to him.

"What time?"

"Huh?" Taehyung quirked an eyebrow.

"What time should we go there?" Jungkook softly repeated.

"Aren't you going with Gahyeon already?"

"She did ask me just as my shift ended but I told her no. I was actually planning on asking you" Jungkook looked at his feet and back at Taehyung who couldn't help but scoff before smiling.

"How about four thirty, the sunset is really pretty" He ended up saying.

"Four thirty, done" Jungkook smiled his bunny smile before walking with Taehyung.

The two locked the restaurant yet again and made their way to the elevator. Jungkook bothered the elder about his skiing during the entire way up but he didn't mind, he found it endearing how shocked the ravenette sounded every time he would mention Taehyung skiing. Boy, if he knew how good he actually was.

"Alright, so goodnight" Just like last time, it was Taehyung who had walked Jungkook back to his room making the younger smile bright.

"Good night, hyung. Can I call you that?"

"Okay, whatever" Jungkook couldn't help but notice the small blush creeping on the elder's cheek. He had always been the younger before Jungkook got there, so it must be new to him to have someone call him hyung.

"See you tomorrow"

"Goodbye" Taehyung waved and turned around walking back to his room.


Taehyung stepped out of the shower and finished air drying his hair before placing his towel on top of the heater and exited his bathroom. The brunette slipped into his favorite sweatpants and a simple shirt before taking off his earrings and other jewelry in order to get to bed.

He gently lifted the sheets before slipping under them. The soft fabric felt amazing against his skin and the boy hummed in contentment, he closed his eyes and he kept on rethinking tonight's events. He had really asked Jungkook out, and the latter had agreed. He even asked to call him hyung, maybe this wasn't going to end so badly?

The brunette shook his head and laughed at himself, one conversation and he was already getting the wrong idea about everything. Even if the younger had agreed to go out, it didn't mean he wasn't still probably leaving once the season was over. Taehyung really shouldn't have gotten his hopes up yet. 

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