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My hearing was the first thing to come back when I started to wake up. I could hear people talking somewhere around me, but it was muffled. I tried to focus more on figuring out what was being said and by who, but I was pulled back into darkness before I could make anything out. 

The next time I had woken up, I could hear everything fine again. To my luck, there were people talking again and this time I was able to make out what was being said:

"You should leave her be boy."


"Do I need to remind you that you have a job to do boy? This girl isn't even conscience and is already causing trouble!"

"I have a fucking name! I haven't been assigned anything and I will stay here as long as I fucking please until she wakes up and tells me to leave."

"The stupid girl has been in a coma for almost a God-damn month Azrael! What is so fucking special about her that has you sleeping every night in that stupid uncomfortable chair?"

"She is not some stupid girl! Her sad excuse of a brother tried to kill her and almost fucking succeeded if I hadn't knocked him out! She is also not like the others here, she flipped her switch on the drive here and when the fucker was killing her, she completely shut down. It was like she knew that she couldn't do anything to stop it, that he wouldn't stop until she was dead. Her and Ralf have very similar abilities, they both flipped their switch, but with her, she stopped caring about everything in general. Ralf on the other hand just used it to stop caring about her. And do I need to remind you that he is walking around here freely and could come back to finish what he started? Before you even suggest that he won't, I know he'll try again. That type of hate doesn't just go away."

"How do you know he doesn't control it and is it really necessary for you to be here 24/7?"

"Hers is like mine, she is in complete control of herself and what is happening around her. His on the other hand, doesn't think about what he is doing or what is going on around him. He is unstable when he flips unlike her. I'm not leaving her unprotected in this state."

Groan. "This is giving me a headache and I just don't care enough about this. Stay here or not I really could care less at this point as long as you do your job when given one. I'll take a look at the brother to see what I can find, but seriously boy, go take a shower. Don't try and argue, she will be fine for the ten minutes you're not here. And before you say it, I'll stay and watch in case of anything."

There was silence for about a minute between the two. I think the Azrael guy was thinking it over before I heard a sigh, a door opening and then closing. The guy who was still in the room started to talk out loud, whether I was meant to hear it or not didn't seem to matter.

"Stupid little girl." Sigh "Guess I can't really blame you for having a shitty sibling, let alone one that is actively trying to kill you. I don't know how you're doing it, but this is the most that kid has ever spoken probably in his life. I just hope he doesn't become distracted by you, but if you and him are somehow similar in ability and that you are in control, that could be very useful for you and your life here in the future."

After that there was just silence in the room, a very long silence, until Azrael came back. The other guy left the room leaving just us. About five minutes of quiet later, he spoke up,

"You know, I don't like to speak much. Especially around people I don't know, but I think that if the rolls were switched the silence would drive me insane. I don't understand why you're different. There is just something about you that just isn't like anyone else here. Whether you can hear me or not, I am making this promise to figure out what broke you to the point where your reactions are second nature. What happened to make you like me?"

Over the next few days of still only being able to hear, I learned a few things about Azrael. I learned that he is the best sniper and assassin in the compound which started up the nickname Ace. He only really has one friend that he trusts named Jack, who ended up coming by a couple times and hung out with Az. Jack is known as Sparrow as apparently, he is loud and very outgoing, and after hearing him with Azrael I can understand why, that and he likes rum. He likes to go around saying that he is "Captain Jack Sparrow", if I was awake, that probably would have made me laugh. When or if I ever wake up fully, I think him and I could be good friends. That is, if he can learn sign. 

Being stuck in your own thoughts for so long really makes you think about everything and anything. That being said, I decided to make myself a promise, to never speak, and while I might sign to Az or Jack, they will be the only ones I communicate with. This plan should be fairly easy to follow through with as I know my vocal chords are still not fully healed from Ralf's attack. If I never try to strengthen them to help them heal, they will most likely become useless and irreparable. The only cons of doing this is that I'll never be able to sing or hum my favorite songs, I'll never be able to call anyone (though my social anxiety is all for that), and I'll never be able to talk to my best friends like I used to, if I ever am able to contact them again that is. 

Hearing Jack and Azrael talk and joke so casually, as much as I am starting to love it and the small sense of normalcy, I miss my girls. Elisabeth (or Ellie as we call her) and May have been my rocks for years. We did everything together. They know me better than anyone else. I miss telling them about the stupid things my mom would yell at me for, or what project my dad and I would start, hell, even just all of sitting in a room silent but still being just as content. If we were ever out in the city and something was happening, all we would do is look at each other and know exactly what the other was thinking. 

The girls know I'm gone by now, how could they not. I hate the thought of them worrying about me or where I am. They would've been blowing up my phone since the first time I didn't pick up. It's been almost two months now since I've been gone. I don't even what to think about what they are going through. 

With that final thought, I start to slip back into the seemingly endless sleep. 


This really isn't the best chapter, and it seems like I'm kindof rushing, but there are things that I want to get to that are more important than this filler chapter. 
My mind is also really scattered so everything is just very off in my writing. I'm hoping as the story progresses, my writing and story gets better. 

Again sorry for the bad chapter but I'll update again soon my Dreamer's.


Till next time...


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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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