Chapter Three: Angel

Start bij het begin

"Where are you going?" Namjoon asks me with wide eyes.

"Going to get changed. I don't want to look like a mess anymore. Oh, I'm feeling so much better now." I yell back while pulling my shirt over my head, and heading for the closet.

I hear Yoongi saying something in Korean to Namjoon before I hear footsteps behind me and see Yoongi walking into the room with worry on his face.

"Were you sick? How are you feeling? If you need to lie down, meeting the others can wait." he says looking at my face.

Then I see his eyes going lower and I realised I am only wearing a white laced bra and sweatpants. He looks up with rosy cheeks of embarrassment, puts his hand over his eyes and turns around.

Agh cute. What a gentleman.

I smile and pull a nice black and white striped blouse from the closet and quickly put it on.

"I'm fine Yoongi, no need to worry. It was just a headache and I took some medicine for it. I'm used to having headaches. It runs in the family, or so I have been told. It's either that or the soul-sickness starting again, but as I said I took my medicine already. So don't worry okay" I say while turning him around and lowering his hands. I cup his face and stroke his cheekbones.

After getting some nice black pants I walk into the bathroom to change. Don't want to scare Yoongi again. While in there I brush out my long black hair and put it in a loose bun. While I'm at it I put on a bit of stainless red lip tint and mascara, just to look nice and refreshed.

Her outfit:

After putting my glasses back on I walk back into the room and I see Yoongi sitting on my bed waiting for me

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After putting my glasses back on I walk back into the room and I see Yoongi sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"Where is Namjoon?" I ask while putting on my high heels to give my 168cm frame just that little bit of help that it needs, while still being comfortable to actually walk in and not break my ankle.

"He went to the others to deliver the good news," Yoongi says with a big smile on his face.

He waves for me to come to him. I walk to him and when I reach him I straddle his legs. He looks very surprised and doesn't know what to do with his hands. It's cute. I put his hands on my waist, put my hands around his neck and kissed him on the nose. His cheeks turn red and he looks at me with a shy smile on his face.

"Great news indeed," I say while climbing off of him and walking into the kitchen.

After getting my bottle of water from the fridge I walk into the lounge area when I hear the door to the suit opening. Six gorgeous men walk into my suite and I tense up a little until I see Namjoon among them. A guy with tattoos on his arm walks over to me with big powerful strides, comes into my face and booms "Why did you hurt Jimin like that?! What has he done to you huh!?"

Damn, he looks hella pissed.

"Uhm, I'm sorry but, who is Jimin, who are you and why are you screaming in my face?" I say while pushing him away with my powers. Not too hard, just a nudge.

Yoongi comes in between us stopping the man from reaching me again while Namjoon starts to pull his arms.

Yoongi says something Korean to the man but I only understand one word; soulmate.

That's not very helpful in this situation. What are they saying!?

They talk some more before I yell "Can you please talk in a language I can understand because I would like to be included in this conversation."

"Jungkook wants you to apologise to Jimin over there for kicking him out of his room." Namjoon translates for me as he points at the smallest male among the four unknown males.

"Oh, you're the guy who got this room," I say to Jimin.

He looks so cute and God his lips are so full. How is that even possible? I wish I had lips like his.

I give my bottle of water to Yoongi while I start to walk toward Jimin, but Jungkook stops me as he steps in front of me again.

"I'm not letting you near him until you apologise to him. You just kicked him out of his room." Jungkook says.

"Yeah, I did because I wanted to at least have pants on before the hotel manager got here and I am not changing when there is a stranger in my room. So I asked him to leave." I say to Jungkook, getting a little pissed at him.

It's not as if I knew he was my soulmate. I turn to Jimin with a soft, pleading expression on my face.

"I am sorry that I kicked you out Jimin, but I needed to get changed. The only thing I had on was an oversized shirt and panties. I needed to look at least sort of decent before the hotel manager got there. And I would have never told you to leave if I knew you were my soulmate. You can understand this, right?" I ask him. I can see small tears in his eyes.

"You want me as your soulmate?" he asks in a small voice.

Oh god, this breaks me. How could he think I would not want him?

"Of course I do! Are you kidding me? You are fucking gorgeous. And you look so cute. How could I not want you? You are so lovely." I say to him slowly coming towards him.

Jungkook lets me pass, but is right behind me. Not that I really care at the moment. The only thing I care about right now is this beautiful man in front of me. I look up into his eyes and I reach out my hand to him.

"Would you please bond with me? I want you to be mine." I say with a calm and soothing voice.

He looks at my hand, looks at Jungkook behind me, then at the three males beside him, Namjoon and lastly he looks at Yoongi. I see Yoongi nod his head encouragingly to take my hand. He exhales and takes my hand.

Almost immediately the pulse is felt through my body as the tingles go up my arm. His eyes lock onto mine and I feel I can drown in them, they are so beautiful. When his knees buckle I step forward to catch him before he hits the ground because I don't want him to get hurt. I can't let him get hurt. I need to protect him. That is the main feeling I got when bonding with Jimin, the need to protect. I hug him tightly and ask him if he is okay. He hugs me just as tight when I feel comfort flowing into me. I sit back a little, stroking his face.

"I am more than okay now that I have you," he says to me. I smile as I can see the happiness on his face.

"Do you want to sit on the couch, love?" I ask him. I can hear a little gasp behind me, but I pay them no mind.

"Sure," he says, while reluctantly pulling back from the hug, getting up and walking with me to the couch, his hand still in mine. I pull him onto my lap, even though he is taller than me, it just feels right having him so close to me. 


Wordcount: 2336

A/N: Here it is, my third chapter. I hope you guys like it. Please let me know. I would love to get some feedback. Leave a like or a comment, I would love to connect with you.

Who do you think she will bond with next?

If you find any grammar mistakes, please let me know. It's my first time writing a story so I would think there would be mistakes.


Edited 03/05/2022: Some small additions and only aesthetical and grammatical changes.

Edited 21/07/2022: Only aesthetical and grammatical changes.

Edited 17/10/2022: Only aesthetical and grammatical changes.

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