Chapter 11

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Atid wakes up to his phone ringing continuously. He looks at the clock and it was showing 8am. He gently moves Aroon from his arms and pick the call.

Atid: Hello


Atid: Mom. Why are you calling so early in the morning?

Aom: It's already 8 am Atid. I called in to say that I have fixed your appointment with the boutique for 11am. You need to go there with Aroon to select your suit for the wedding and get your fittings done.

Atid: Mom, should we do it today? Aroon is so tired due to hectic schedule. Can we do it some other day?

Aom: No. We hardly have a week's time to get everything done. You need to visit the caterer to fix the wedding menu and also select your wedding cake flavor.

Atid: MOM

Aom: Also, don't forget your wedding rings. I am disconnecting the call now. I need to call the event manager to check the decorations. Bye. Love you.

Atid: Bye. Love you too mom.

Atid disconnects the call and groans thinking about the hectic day ahead.

"Who was that?"

Atid looks at Aroon who was looking at him with sleepy eyes.

Atid: Sorry, I disturbed your sleep. It was mom. She has booked our appointment with the boutique for our suit fitting. If you are tired, I can get it cancelled.

Aroon: No, I am okay. I had a nice sleep yesterday. I am ready for the shopping.

Atid: Okay. You go and freshen up. I will fix some light breakfast for us.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon freshen up and go to the kitchen where Atid had already prepared toast and omelets. He set the table while Atid went to freshen up. They have their breakfast and leave for the boutique.

In the boutique:

Atid tried on a burgundy suit that the designer selected for him. He came out of the changing room and looked into the mirror.

Atid: What do you think?

Aroon looks at Atid from top to bottom.

Aroon: The color suits your complexion,  it's nice.

Atid: I like it too. But it does not give me a wedding feeling.

Aroon: Hmm

Designer: Why don't you try this black one? It's a classic combination and it will look good on you.

Atid: Hmm

Meanwhile, the designer also selects a suit for Aroon and asks him to try it in the next changing room.

Atid comes out wearing the suit. He looks into the mirror and smiles. He liked the way the suit fits him.

His smile disappears as soon as Aroon comes and stands next to him. He looks at Aroon in awe.

Atid: Wow! You looking dashing.

Aroon looks away blushing. Atid moves closer to Aroon and they look at their reflection in the mirror.

Designer: You guys look good together. Match made in heaven.

Atid,: Thank you.

Atid looks at Aroon with a smirk while Aroon looks away blushing.

They gets their fittings done and select all the other accessories and shoes for the wedding and leaves the store.

Atid: We need to meet the caterer to select the menu and cake. He has invited us to his restaurant for sampling.

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