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a few hours later

Jill lay in her bed in the presidential bedroom to rest. The baby girls were sleeping peacefully. Sean, Ann and Elliot didn't know how much to express their excitement and support.

Beau, Hunter and Julia had made their way to see their new baby sisters as soon as possible.

Joe stood freshly shaved and showered in his navi blue suit in his press room. Emblazoned on his console was the seal of the President of the United States.

"I want to let all of you know that my dear wife, the wonderful First Lady Dr. Jill Biden gave birth today to two beautiful healthy baby girls.

I am incredibly grateful and I want to thank all the well-wishers for all the good wishes that have come here so far.

Now that my presidency is coming to an end, I would like to say again that I would be nothing without the love of my wife and that Jill has made me a better president. I would also like to point out, as I receive the Nobel Peace Prize in a few weeks, that without the support of my wonderful wife, I would never have been able to secure peace in the world in the way that I have fortunately been able to do over the last eight years.

I thank my wife for the children she has given me. My son Sean also said that with the 4 children we have had in the last 8 years, it has been a productive presidency.

I wish all of you another wonderful day.

May God bless you all.

May God protect our troops."

He made his way back to Jill. He wanted to make sure she wanted for nothing. He lay down next to her in their presidential bed and covered her forehead with gentle kisses.

"Babe?" he tenderly caressed her cheek with his knuckles. "How are you babe?"

She smiled at him. It was the satisfied smile of a woman who has achieved everything she wanted to in her life.

"I had the wonderful idea of wanting to go to the bathroom by myself, but Sean wouldn't let me. Anyway, I blacked out."

Joe looked at her in horror.

"It was just the circulation, it's all right, after all he was holding me, nothing happened."

Joe took the two girls out of their cradles one by one and put them in the big bed between himself and Jill to get a better look at them.

"They really are absolutely identical Jill. Look at that. Just look. Exactly the same head twice, the same little snub nose."

A whole little hand clasped his little finger.

Joe smiled at the twins and Jill with emotion.

The newborns opened their eyes. Four blue eyes looked through Joe down to the deepest corner of his soul.

Jill looked at the twins with that mixture of shock infatuation and motherly pride with which she had looked at all her newborns.

"You know Jilly, I think you should really use these two months before you go back to teaching to recover."

She grinned mockingly "I've already heard from the kids. Julia wants to consider all the First Lady appearances and obligations and our 3 grown boys are fighting over who gets to babysit me and when and for how long."

"You mean I don't get to be in postpartum care at all?"

"I'm afraid we have too many grown sons who take after you too much." she laughed. "But Joe, I'll find something for you. I mean maybe you get to apply ointment somewhere or comfort a twin at three in the morning, something will turn up for you."

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