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When Jill awoke from her anesthesia, she could feel several heads against her head. She slowly and carefully opened her eyes. On her left side, Hunter was crouched in a chair, asleep, his forehead lightly touching Jill's left cheek. On her right side, Beau was crouched in a chair, asleep, his forehead lightly touching Jill's right cheek. At the head of her bed had to be Joe. She felt his forehead pressing lightly against her head. On her chest, however, was someone new. A tiny little one, whose little head leaned against the underside of her chin.

Her body ached terribly. She had the impression as if her lower body had been torn apart. But she had never felt so blessed in her whole life as with these 4 people around her.

Her mouth was all dry and there was something stuck in her nose.

"Hey babe. Welcome back." Joe whispered, his eyes looking directly into hers. He placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Shh shh. You're not supposed to talk. Are you thirsty? Your mouth must be dry. I'm afraid I can't give you anything to drink. But" he reached for a chopstick "here you have a delicious lemon chopstick." he held a lemon chopstick in her mouth and let it hang in the corner of her mouth.

"Look who we have here." he picked up the sleeping newborn and carefully held it out to Jill so she could look at him. It's a boy. Isn't he beautiful. He looks just like you. Wait until you see his eyes." He gave Jill enough time to take a good look at the newborn then he put the baby boy back in his place.

"I'll tell you the nerve-wracking version of what happened. He" Joe pointed to his youngest "he got his head kind of stuck. Nothing went forward and nothing went back. Bartholomew got him out somehow. I don't know how he did it. But he said he was in obstetrics in Ghana for 2 years and there you almost always just have your hands there and he has a certain routine. But unfortunately, my favorite pussy looks pretty bad now. There is some tearing. Really deep. I think you will stay here at least 2 weeks. But I think at least this Christmas we'll all be home."

Jill groaned. It really hurt and the thoughts of Joe's Christmas in 1972 wasn't exactly pleasant now either.

"But back to your son. He totally skillfully wrapped the umbilical cord around his neck several times and well. He was pretty blue and pretty still. You have to be careful when you touch him. They put electrodes on him to monitor him. Actually, he should be in one of those special monitoring beds but I said we could monitor him that way." He gave her a kiss. "I think you know about everything now, babe. Now you can go back to sleep. You need to sleep you know." He tenderly stroked her face.

The next day lunch time

"Hey Jilly, hey baby. Greetings from the chef at our embassy." he gave her a kiss

Joe carried a large catering box into Jill's hospital room. He set it down on a table. He moved a small dining table from the center of the room right next to Jill's hospital bed. He began unpacking food and spreading it on the table. He took Beau and sat him on a chair at the table, then sat Hunter at the table. Jill was able to sit at the dinner table with the other 3 from her bed this way. "I hope you are feeling a little better."

"The cook at our embassy gave you food?"

"That's right. He thinks his food is better than the hospital food , plus he packs enough for all four of us to eat. He said he's going to pack me a catering box for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day and I'll come here with the boys and make sure that you eat your food so that you get back on your feet again. By the way, I still have a photo album here from my secretary, you can pick out the Christmas decorations for the embassy until tomorrow, she will then take care of everything else with the decorations."

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