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November 8 1988

Joe had gathered his loved ones around him. 18 year old Beau had voted for him today. 17 year old Hunter, 15 year old Sean, and 13 year old Julia had not been able to vote, but they had been campaigning for him, telling everyone what a good president their Dad would be.

They were expecting Joe's parents and siblings in a few hours. They would watch the presidential election count together on the TV.

Jill was kind of tired. Despite all the excitement surrounding this election day.

She went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror above the sink. She looked younger than the 37 years she was old but she was pale. She felt nauseous. She felt the nausea rising up inside her, making her gag. She made it to the toilette in time where she threw up.

Beau was pacing nervously up and down the hallway when he heard Jill's gagging sounds because she hadn't closed the bathroom door.

He went over to her to hold her hair out of her face. He stroked her back and gave her a glass of tap water when she stopped vomiting.

He looked at her with concern. "I'll be fine." she said bravely, sipping the glass of water.

"Do you want to lie down for a bit? Want me to get Dad?" Jill was rarely sick Beau didn't really know what to do. He helped her get up and walked with her to his parents' bedroom.

Jill laid down in her bed, feeling a little dizzy.

Beau walked out of the bedroom he was going to get Joe. But Joe was on the phone with someone on his campaign team.

Sean looked for Jill and found her lying in her bed. He lay down next to her. "Mom?" All the excitement and tension surrounding this campaign was actually too much for him. He was glad his mum was here in her bed alone and wanted to snuggle up to her for a bit to find some peace and comfort.

He nuzzled his forehead against her head and put his hand on her stomach. "Mom? Are you very excited?"

She smiled at him. Of course, if Joe won today, she would only have a few more weeks to prepare for her role as First Lady. Hunter, Sean and Julia would probably have to change schools around them would be constant Secret Service the weight of the world would be on Joe's shoulders.

The situation in Europe was tense. The cold war could become a hot war or Joe could end the cold war there was so much he wanted to improve, health care, education, equal opportunity.

But was she so excited about it that she threw up? More likely no.

Sean looked at her breasts. Her breasts were taut. Sean smiled at her "Your boobs look especially good today Mum."

Jill tousled through his blond hair. The boy knew how to give compliments. Suddenly something occurred to her.

seven weeks earlier

Jill was traveling with Joe across the states. She had lost track of when she was in what time zone. At some campaign events, she really didn't know what time it was at the moment in the place she was in.

On the one hand, she hoped they would succeed and Joe would win. But on the other hand, she wasn't sure how she was going to continue her job as a teacher if she was First Lady. She had told her students, who all called her just Dr. B., before the summer vacation that she probably couldn't teach in Wilmington if she lived in the White House.

Joe stood in a television studio holding the presidential debate with his competitor. The election was more open than ever. The sitting president was not running again. None of the presidential candidates had the bonus the incumbent had.

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