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A shrewd snicker could be heard as a lady attempted to save her 3-year-old kid. She was not begging, however, retaliating with the individual. She felt betrayed by the person she trusted the most. She figured out how to take that individual out while carrying the kid in her arms and running profound into the woodland with a draining arm as she had got shot in her left arm looking for somebody to ask help for. it was dim as of now and It was a timberland region. She was more restless since the child didn't move Although she figured out how to escape the backwoods, she was depleted to such an extent that she could black out without warning The vehicles passed her as she attempted to stop them. At last, a vehicle halted and she requested that the driver take her and her child to the nearest medical clinic. he agreed, She was going to sit inside the vehicle when somebody pulled her back The lady begged the individual inside the vehicle to take her kid to the emergency clinic she knew nothing about the way that her kid was at that point awakened and was gazing at her, the final expressions of the lady to her kid were "mom loves you to such an extent" As the vehicle moved, the kid's breath became lopsided, and in the long run she fainted.....

a man was working on his laptop when his phone rang murmuring with irritation as he got hindered when he was working his 3 children just dozed now as they were concerned about their sister and mom who left to meet her childhood friend yet they haven't arrived home till now. The husband assumed his wife would have lost track of time while catching up with her friend, and that she would arrive home Although it was also unclear to him when she would return he was worried about her, especially his child, he picked up his phone greeting the person on the other side with a hello making sure not to show the irritation in his voice he let the person speak "I am calling from XXX hospital, are you Mr Kim father of Kim y/n if so would you please come and sign her medical reports also take her back home" 

"ok" he said and quickly hung up picking up his coat which was placed on the chair, he went to the hospital while praying in his mind that nothing would happen to his wife or daughter. he was sure that his wife would inform him if anything happened to his daughter so he guessed that it would be some minor injury upon reaching the hospital he asked the receptionist where was his daughter's room situated. he saw a man standing outside the room before he entered but he let it slip as he was worried about his daughter upon entering the room he saw the doctor checking his daughter who was now asleep

  "how is she" he asked between his breaths 

"she is fine now, just fainted due to exhaustion no worries" he sighed knowing that nothing had happened to her

  "where is my wife" he spoke while looking at his daughter 

"I am sorry wife?" the doctor exclaimed

  "you know the one who came along with my daughter" he said tensing a bit 

"i think this is a misunderstanding you see there is no woman who accompanied her but I must say there was a man who comes along with her" the doctor said 

"a man" he said but it was more like a question to himself 

"ya the one standing outside" the nurse interrupted the conversation by saying that there is an emergency 

"where is my wife" he asked as he saw the man standing outside 

"I am sorry I don't know where your wife is but she was pulled back by someone when she was about to enter the taxi she asked me to take her daughter to the hospital that's the only thing I know" he said as he straightens his uniform

"keep this information confidential I will pay you as much as money you need" 

"where is mom" taehyung his youngest son questions him as he got back to his house he didn't answer to that question but broke down into tears seeing his dad cry taehyung also broke down into was the funeral of his wife, he was sitting on the couch with his head rested on his hands. a man in his late 20s entered the room with a sympathetic look on his face and dried tears, he placed his hand on his shoulders causing him to look back 

'I know it's hard for you, I suspect that her death isn't normal'

"what do you mean" the other man questioned

  'she's murdered' 

'how' was the only word that left his mouth

  'Join the mafia once you get powerful pay him back on his own coin' he said before leaving the room

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