Number One: Luther

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Okay anybody who knows me should know Im not very fond of my brother Luther, aka our fine leader Number One. This is mostly due to poor choices he made as adults, although he was always quite the ass growing up. Incompetent I'll say the least. Ignorant for sure. He was a bully truly. Despite me getting particularly taller as a teen, he always managed to be a bit taller than me. As an adult, oh that height difference definitely changed miraculously. I remember him always thinking he was better than all of us. Dad's favorite. He never did stop being dads perfect boy. He stayed at home with father way past the time he should have. Stuck up his ass. When we were little, he was a jerk. I remember him being really protective, but would also be the one to treat us the worst. Like even tho we weren't related by blood, he inherited dads traits. He would push us around, and was a poor loser. Not to mention the thing he had with Ally was quite weird, but I won't be the one to judge there. Our family is nothing near normal. Anyways Ill still pick on him for that forever tho. As adults however he made unforgivable choices/mistakes and now I hate him and will hate him till the end of time. He hurt and betrayed our sibling. Didn't include any of us in a family decision and harmed sweet Viktor. I blame a lot of things on Luther tbh. He never fails to piss me off. Our sibling was fragile and needed their family, needed our help, and he betrayed their trust. Some things go without being forgiven. He acted so much like dad it's kind of scary not going to lie. I'll hate him forever.

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