(y/n) found Sasha and sat down next to her. They saw the trembling face she was trying to hide and tried their best to comfort her. They placed a hand on their back while rubbing it up and down, and their other hand held out a potato.

Sasha loves potatoes, maybe this will help her. (y/n) thought.

Sasha looked at (y/n) and gave her a small smirk. She took the food from their hands, but didn't bring it to her mouth to eat.

"What's wrong?" Marco questioned the cadet.

"I saw my friends devoured right before my eyes!" He yelled, "I saw them get eaten alive and yet I felt no sorrow, no hatred. Only overwhelming relief that it wasn't me!"

(y/n) saw that Sasha started getting uncomfortable and was gripping on the potato.

Maybe she isn't hungry right at the moment.

"But it's going to be my turn next." The man cried on, "Now I understand. The true nature of our jobs is we're going to have to fight Titans until we are bitten to death! If I'm going to get devoured, I might as well just end my life now!"

The man suddenly pulled his sword Marco stopped him from harming himself and (y/n) assisted him.

"Stop it! Get a hold of yourself! You're not the only one. We're all fighting our fears!" Marco told him. "Just look at (y/n)! They are holding it in together despite going through hell."

(y/n) didn't say anything and kicked the sword on the ground.

"They don't count! Ever since the start, they have been strong and never showed any emotion towards us!"

(y/n) ignored his comment. Sure, it was true, but they are still learning how to express it.

"Fine then, look at Sasha!" Sasha froze as the three of them looked at her. "She remains a proud soldier, despite all she's been through!" Then she screamed, "Um.. I have real bad abdominal pain. So could you please count me as one of the wounded?"

(y/n) didn't hesitate to rush to Sasha's aid.

Maybe that's why she didn't eat the potato.

As the man struggled to get out of Marco's grasp and grab the sword, (y/n) questioned Sasha with a worried expression.

"Are you alright? Where is the exact location you got hurt? Eat the potato, it'll help you fill your stomach. Did a titan harm you? Did you fall? What happened?"

The questions went on and on as well as the yelling.

"It's all over for me!"

"Stop it!"

"Calm down!"

Jean sighed, "I can see why they needed to put out that gag order. Just take a look at the situation they're already in now. If they knew about Eren..."

Suddenly a loud explosion went out catching everyone's attention.

"Cannon fire?"

"What the hell was that?"

"Sasha go with the wounded, if you can no longer fight. I'll help you."

"Another titan?"

"We're gonna die!"

"Why'd they fire just one shot?"

"Hey look! There's smoke!" Someone pointed out.

It must be Eren! (y/n) thought as they tried to comfort Sasha as she was shaking while covering her ears.

~ Emotionless ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now