4. "Housekeeping"

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The five of them were in their boat on the way to the motel, they weren't going to miss out on an adventure.

"I'm never leaving again if it's going to be like this all the time" Blair sat down next to John B.

"Good, cause I don't want you to go " John B wrapped his arm around her.

"I'm sorry" she turned to look at him, who just frowned.

"For what?" He asked her confused

"For not being here with everything going on with your father" she said sincerely.

"You called me like everyday, B. You did everything you could, just hearing your voice and telling me everything was going to be okay helped me so much" he said looking straight at her blue eyes.

"Of course I'll always be here for you" she smiled at him

He smiled back and turned to look at the others.

They arrived at the motel and it looked like one of those sketchy ones in the movies or tv shows where you end up dead.

"So what's the plan?" Kie asked

"I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns the boat" John B said

"We don't know whose room that is, it could be anyone" Pope told him

"I'm in" JJ grabbed the keys

"Me too" Blair stood up with JJ

"C'mon. I'll be lookout" Kie told them

"Finder's fee, just sayin' and at least you'll only be an accomplice" John B said convincing Pope

"This place is a shitshow" John B said

"Motel or meth lab" Kie asked sarcastically

"Uh...both?" Blair said eyeing the place

"Doesn't look like a place someone with a Grady-white would stay" John B pointed out

"No, it looks like a place someone with a Grady-white gets killed" Pope said making the rest groan

"This is your captain speaking, HMS Pogue coming in for landing" JJ said making sure the boat stayed in place

"All right, here goes nothing" John B said getting off the boat.

"Let's do this" Blair said following right after him

"Wait, you're coming?" John B sounded worried. He didn't want the girl in any kind of dangerous situation

"Course she is?" JJ laughed grabbing Blair's arm for her to join them

John B was behind the two blondes talking with Kie and Pope

"C'mon B, just admit it already you want that John D" JJ told her making her snap her head towards his direction.

She covered her face to refrain from laughing "I'd knock you out for that but I gotta admit that was a good one" she said as they both burst out laughing.

"What was a good one?" John b asked catching up to them

"Oh well uh, my friend Blair here finally admitted that she wants-" JJ started but was cut off by Blair kicking him hard in the shin.


"Let's find that room, shall we?" JJ smiled through the pain Blair smiling with him.

"I hate you" JJ mumbled

"Ditto" she whispered with a big smile

"This is it" they announced when they got to the door they were looking for

"Housekeeping" JJ said with a high-pitched voice and no answer.

They proceeded to open the door.

As soon as the three got into the room they started investigating everything.

"Is there a name on the bag?" John B asked Blair

"Um...no" she said looking at the bag

"So definitely over 50, he's got New Balances" John B said when he saw the pair of shoes

They continued looking for any sign or clue, but nothing.

"Yo, guys come here! Maybe this is where they went fishing" JJ said when he found a map with a marked spot

"No way, that's off the continental shelf" Blair said when she saw where the point was

"That's Big Sweel, nobody fishes there" John said after her

"Oh, okay" JJ said

They continued with the search but still, everything they found was decently normal. That was until John b found a safe and stated pushing random buttons, it obviously didn't work.

"Punching shit at random. That would definitely work" JJ said

"These coordinates...they" JJ said looking at the map they had found moments earlier

"What's wrong JJ?" Blair asked

"Nothing, It's just, wait! My cousin said you could catch swordfish here" he told the girl

"Uh...guys you might want to see this" John B interrupted them

John B  found the code for the safe and opened it. Inside the safe there was a gun and a whole  lot of money in cash.

"Oh my god" Blair smiled at John B

While looking at what the safe had, JJ decided to take the gun.

"JJ put the gun back!" Blair exclaimed

"This is a SIG Sauer" JJ said looking at the gun amazed

"Put the gun down, JJ" this time John B was the one who told the blond to put it down

"This is a fucking spendy gratt. Just...bam bam" JJ said as he acted he was firing the gun

"JJ, stop it" Blair groaned

"Just take a pic of me. Right here" the blond guy said posing

"You want me to take a picture of you?" John b asked him

"Yeah...like this" JJ said posing again

"And make your own incriminating evidence?" John b asked him.

"Yeah, real nice JJ" Blair told him

In that moment, Blair heard something at the window.

"Do you hear that?" Blair asked the boys

"What?" John B asked but she put a finger in his mouth to shush him for a moment.

John B looked out the window and he found Pope and Kie throwing rocks and desperately saying 'cops'.

"Cops" John B said right as there was a knock at the door

"Shit" JJ said as they scrambled for a place to escape

"Guys! The window" Blair told them opening the window

JJ got out first, then John B and last was Blair. She slipped with the rush but John B caught her and hugged her close so she wouldn't fall. John B had a hand gripping onto the building and the other around her waist, Blair held onto him tightly by his waist.

Everything was going fine until the gun in JJ's pocket fell and landed in a trash can, causing a loud noise.

Blair hid her face in John B's shoulder afraid of what was about to happen.

But they weren't caught. A few moments later, Kie and Pope told them that the cops had left and so they climbed down carefully.

JJ wasn't going to leave without the gun and decided to show it off to his friends when they were in the boat. Of course.

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