Chapter One: Less Than Ordinary

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The door to the Parrish home opened wide, revealing the sleep-deprived and now angry young man behind it. Crossing his arms over his chest he glared at his younger sister who was standing before him, escorted by a police officer.

"What did she do?" Jordan Parrish asked his fellow officer.

"I caught her drinking with the Henderson twins," he explained. "I could take her down to the station instead-"

"No. I will deal with it. Thank you, Germond." Jordan moved to the side, allowing his sister to enter the house before closing the door behind her. Red in the face, he turned to the young girl. "What the hell Ayla!" he snapped. "You've been in town for two days and already you are getting into trouble? Drinking with the Henderson twins? Do you even know them?"

When it came to causing trouble, Ayla Parrish was not one to disappoint, after all, she hadn't left her home willingly to move in with her older brother. No, that was their father's idea. After one too many run-ins with the Nevada police, he decided with his deteriorating health, he couldn't handle the girl anymore and sent her to live with Jordan. Hoping that her ex-military, cop brother would be able to keep a closer eye on her than he could.

Rolling her eyes, Ayla threw her head back with a huff. "Can we talk about this in the morning? My head is killing me." Making her way into the kitchen she began filling up a glass with tap water.

Jordan was quick to follow, not allowing her to get away that quickly. "No, we can't talk about this in the morning. Are you drunk? You have school tomorrow!"

"Yeah, you're right, I should probably get some sleep. I'm pretty tired after the night I had," she almost joked, trying to push past her brother but he stopped her.

"I thought you wanted a fresh start here?" he accused, "I thought after what happened, you would want to change, be a different person?!"

The girl's face grew red with anger. She was so sick of everyone wanting her to be different, wanting her to change, honestly, all she wanted was to be left alone.

"Being a different person won't change what happened Jordan," she snapped at him, putting down the half-filled glass on the counter next to her.

His face softened at his sister's tone. He knew nothing that either of them did, could take back what happened that night.

"I know, I just-"

Ayla shook her head, pushed past Jordan, as she made her way to her room and plopped down onto the bed with a groan. The walls were still bare and the boxes that surrounded her were all still packed. For a moment, Ayla stared at her ceiling before pulling out her phone from her back pocket. The screen illuminated her face in the dark room. She couldn't help but stare at the photo of her and Kyler smiling back at her.

Oh how she missed him so much.

Unlocking her phone and pulling up his contact, Ayla hit the call button and place the phone to her ear. She waited to hear his voice, begged for Kyler to answer but after five rings she got his voicemail.

"Hey this is Kyler, I'm probably ignoring you so leave a message if you want but I doubt I'll get back to you."

Pulling the phone away from her face, Ayla hung up with a sigh.

The next morning Ayla was definitely feeling the effects of her choices the night before. Trying to sleep as late as possible, Ayla hoped that her brother would forget that she was even there and she could just sleep the day away, but unfortunately, he didn't.

Awoken by her brother pulling the blankets from her body, leaving the girl shivering. "Ugh you ass!" she yelled, burying her face into her pillow.

"Get up Ayla, you have exactly 10 minutes before you make both of us late." When she refused to move, Jordan walked over to the side of the bed, bending down so he was level with her. "Don't make me get a bucket of water."

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