Chapter 9

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"Fine, I'll stop for now, I hadn't finished the story anyway. Good looks aside he was a little weird but I didn't really think much of it at the time. Yous would actually look quite cute together." Caroline trails off with a giddy smile.


Caroline just sighs rolling her eyes "He was asking all these different questions," Caroline shrugs, "I didn't think much of it at first, but questions came one after another, I just thought he was really interested in you but looking back at them now some of the questions were a bit personal."

Rowan's eyes narrowed, not liking the sound of this; based on Caroline's words, the guy sounded real shady and there was a gut feeling telling her to be wary of him. "You know the more you speak, the more I hear poor judgement. Like seriously Caroline how were there no alarm bells going off in your head?"

"His bright blue eyes kinda distracted me a bit- it kinda distracted from his personality." She sends Rowan an innocent-looking smile

"Of course it did..." Rowan sighs to herself knowing exactly how the girl could be. she would be lying if she had said she was surprised, Caroline was... unique, but she had one of the best character development in the series, well besides Damon but he was a whole different story.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" Rowan raises her brow, confused. Seeing her phone light up and Stefan's name popping up as it vibrated against the table.

"I'll be back in a second care, I just need to take this." Caroline sighs but nods, she felt like she was being left out a lot recently.

Rowan steps outside the grill, looking around her to make sure she was alone before answering. "Hey, everything ok?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the grill"

"Have you heard from Bonnie?"

"No, I thought she would be with you"

"Is something wrong?"

"Earlier I was with her, I had her try and see if she could see if Elena was ok, but something was off with her magic, she rushed off after."

"No, I haven't heard from her,"

"You check in with her father, I'll check in with her grams, I was hoping to speak with Sheila anyway."

"I'll meet you after." Rowan hums in acknowledgement before quickly ending the call and rushing into the grill.

Her pace was fast as she darted for her table, "I am so sorry Caroline, but I have to go, we'll talk about it later, ok?." Rowan apologises, packing all of her stuff back into her bag.

Caroline nods and smiles tightly, "I'll hold you to that." Rowan nodded reassuringly, apologising again before rushing over to pay the bill and leaving.

The drive was a short one as she pulled up in front of the quaint little house. There were faint memories that came to mind as she walked up onto the porch. she looked around taking everything, the memories were anything but clear, they were blurred as if she were fast-forwarding through her mind for a defining moment which held significance.

As she stood in front of the door raising her hand to knock the door opens and she is met with Sheila Bennett's welcoming smile. "Rowan dear, I have been expecting you,"

"You have?" Rowan looked at the Bennett witch confused.

"I have, come in." The woman answers beckoning to enter and follow. Rowan does just that, closing the door behind her and heading into the living room. "Take a seat, I'll get some tea." Sheila walks into the kitchen leaving Rowan to her thoughts.

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