—-Time Skip—-

We pulled up outside of the studio building and I didn't hesitate to unbuckle my seatbelt and hop out of the car. Mark had mentioned something before about him and Mira but now it's time to see if this is just business after all. On the account that Mark wasn't hesitant or acting weird about me coming I'm assuming it's all good but you never know. I looked at Mark as he rounded the car. He walked up to me and entertained our arms together before walking forward and pulling me along. I giggled a little as I sped up to match his speed. "Why are you so eager about this?"  I asked with humor. He just smirked at me as he opened the front door for me "I'll do anything to let you know that you're the only lady I want" he smiled smoothly as I walked by him. I couldn't help but blush a little. I don't know who taught this man how to flirt but they did a damn good job at it. I instinctively turned left towards the elevators. I've been in and out of this building so much that I knew it like the back of my hand. I don't know if Mira has an office but it would have to be up there with Diana's right? I pressed the elevator button as Mark walked up next to me gripping my arm with his once again. I leaned against him lightly "I really enjoyed our little date. I'm going back every weekend to see that horse now. You know that right?" I could feel his chest rumble with a laugh after I finished my sentence. "somehow I knew you would do that" he replied slickly before the elevator doors opened. I stepped inside, pulling him along before hitting the button to the top floor. His arm gripped around mine tighter as I leaned against him. "So after this are we going back to my place?" He smirked as he looked down at me. I just laughed a little "You're going back to yours and I'm going back to mine. I gotta make sure the Irish mofo didn't burn my house down while I've been gone" I chuckled lowly. Mark chuckled a little but I could hear the annoyed tone in his voice "How long is that boy gonna live with you?" He seriously asked me. I smirked at him a little "You sound jealous Mark"— "That doesn't answer my questions Y/N" he replied to me quickly in the same teasing tone I used to him. He straightened up and began to walk as the elevator dinged and opened. I was slightly dragged next to him due to our arms being intertwined. "Until his drumming can get him enough money to live comfortably" I replied to him "It's okay though I still haven't slept with him if that's what you're worried about" I could hear him sigh After my sentence. "It's not about that" he didn't look down at me as he spoke. "What's it about then?" I asked him cheekily while poking his arm. He just chuckled and shook his head before straightening up and pushing open the door to the office I've never been to. Once we were through it I met eyes with Mira. She was sitting at her desk rummaging through papers before we interrupted her. She smiled up at us "Mark thank you for coming. Y/N I don't recall sending for you. Do you need something?" She asked me in a nonchalant tone. I put on a fake smile "I was spending the day with Mark. He assured me we'd stop by here quickly and then go on about our business" I replied sarcastically before sitting down in one of the chair across from her desk. Mark tookt the seat next to me and sighed "So Mira, what did we need to discuss?" He asked her professionally. Her eyes left me and landed onto Mark "So since Diana is focused on the VMA's with Nate then I will be overseeing the tour for Chloe" she spoke seriously "Which means her schedule will be full coming up. Dress fittings, choreography sessions, sound checks, and meeting after meeting with the whole team of her tour to make sure everyone always knows what they're to be doing" she interlaced her fingers "I oversee this but I want this tour perfect for her so you and her will be at the forefront of every meeting making sure that every show is exactly how she wants it" Her words came out charismatically. Mark nodded as I rolled my eyes slightly. "So Nate gets the VMA...Chloe gets a tour....and my event for my fans get cancelled?" I questioned her with a blank expression. She chuckled a little "Yes...both of their events were authorized by this label. Right now Y/N you're one of this labels heavy hitters you should be buried in the studio pumping out tracks" She spoke to me without a hint of care in her voice. "THATS WHAT IVE BEEN DOING MIRA" I raised my voice slightly as I spoke to her "You forget you just popped up out of the blue? Diana has watched me grind to get to where I am at on this Label. I've pumped out two albums and 3 singles this year, MY FRIST YEAR alone.  Mind you that's NOT including any song from our little competitions" I growled lowly "I work my ass off in the studio any time I can but I got shut out for wanting to do something for the people that support me" My eyes never left hers as I spoke. This lady wasn't gonna pop up out of nowhere and try to talk to me about what I should be doing at this label. Mark lightly planted his hand on my leg I assume trying to calm me down. Mira let a small smirk pull at her lips "I've been running this company with my little sister since the beginning. It was my $1400 and connections that got us started in the first place. I was the brains and due to my sisters ability to debate, compromise, communicate, and charm she was the face of our company. I've seen every record, paper, and heard every peep I could hear about you already. You will not speak to me as if I'm some new employee. I am and always have been your boss so act like you know your place" she replied to me stone cold "If you'd like to put in a request for a tour or your little show then you can and we'll see if we have the funds to approve it for this year but if not continue to make your songs and we can organize something for you next year" She smirked at me at the end of her sentence. I could feel my leg tense up and I was about to reply before she turned her attention to Mark "Now if you don't mind. Could you escort your little girlfriend out of here. I'm not done discussing our business and she's interrupting. Maybe she can sit in the car?" The tone in her voice made me wanna stab her. Mark looked in between us nervously before clearing his throat. I grabbed his lips before chuckling lowly and standing up "Don't talk, I'll just take me an Uber home and you two can finish your little meeting" I leaned down and kissed Marks cheek lightly. I glanced over and could see Mira looking annoyed at it. As I moved back Mark reached up and gripped my chin. He pulled me down and leaned in forward to give me a deep and seductive kiss. When we pulled out of it I couldn't help but smile. "Don't you ever just kiss my cheek when you know I love your lips..I had a great time today. Thank you again for coming with me" he spoke lowly to me with a smile. I nodded to him softly before looking over at Mira. She kept her cool on her face but you could feel the anger flying off of her. I loved when Mark purposely showed off how he felt about me. My eyes stayed on Mira as I stood back up straight. "Enjoy your meeting" I spoke sarcastically. "Enjoy your Uber" she replied with a fake smile. I just huffed lightly and turned to exit the room. I really didn't like this chick. It doesn't matter though I'm gonna have my event and make her eat her fucking words. You may be my boss but im gonna shut you up....Mira.

(Another short chapter I'm sorry I just am so busy in life🤦🏽‍♀️)

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