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People walk in with guns. "ON THE GROUND NOW!!" They yell. They are wearing masks. They start to fight. More run in and a two people are holding Sharon. I fight them and manage to steal a gun. "STOP!!" "You can't tell us what to do. Now. Get. On. The. Ground." They say. I continue to fight. I pull the trigger but nothing happens. "Y/n. Please." Peggy says. She has a gun to her head. "Drop the weapon and get on the ground." Peggy nods. I raise my hands a little and put the gun down. I get on my knees. "I suppose that this looks familiar." Someone says and holds the weird chest thing. They try to put it on me and I don't help them. Someone slaps me. "Ooh, you made her mad." Carol says with an amused tone. I look back at the guy who slapped me. "Oh shit." He says and backs away. They push me down so I am on my back. They close the thing and handcuff my hands to the thing. I get up on my own. "You can't fight now." The guy says. "I can still whoop your ass." "Y/n, language." Steve says. Someone turns the thing and it tightens. Someone shackles my feet and they push me to the garage. "Walk." They say. I walk and they push me in a van. Everyone's hands get chained to the floor. They put a collar around my neck which is attached to the floor. "Mom, you can get us out right?" "No. I can't." The van drives away. "Please. Can you try?" I try but it doesn't work. The guard that stayed stuffs something in my mouth. "Swallow it." I bite his hand and he pulls it away. "Fucking brat." He says and punches my face. The pill falls out of my mouth. He punches me again. "Don't bite me. Your punishment will get worse." He puts a new one in my mouth. I pretend to swallow. He takes his hand away and opens my mouth. "Swallow it. Right now." He says and he gets angry. I spit it in his face. He punches me again. "We will do it your way." He says. He lets a pill solve in water. He brings the bottle to my lips and closes my nose. I open my mouth to breath and he pours it in my mouth and I start to choke on it. "Good girl." He says and pats my head. I don't have the energy to fight him. I pass out.

I wake up and we aren't moving. "Look the sleeping beauty is awake." They say. "Let's see who will be the first." They say. We are no longer in the van and my hands are above my head. They tied them to pipes. "Fucking idiots." I think. "Excuse you? Why are we idiots?" "You will find out sooner or later." I say. They walk to me and hit my stomach over and over again. "Fine. Than don't answer. This isn't even half of what we are going to do to you." They say and leave. I pull myself up to the top. "Y/n, what are you doing?" Peggy asks. "Escaping." I let myself fall and the pipe falls. I help the rest. "Y/n, no. We need to stay." The people come back. "Who is behind this?" They ask. "I am." "Come here." "Why don't you step forward? Show your face? All you do is hiding behind a mask." They taser me. I pull it off my body. "Get your fucking ass here." "I will pass." They walk to me and drag me to a room. I fight them again and run away. I find my way back to my friends. "Come. We gotta go." "Y/n get the fuck down." Someone says. I look over my shoulder. He walks to me and hits me with a gun. I fall. I attack him. "Get off him. NOW!!" Someone yells. I keep hitting the man. Peggy pulls me off the man. She makes me sit on the ground. "Y/n. Calm down." She says. I walk past her back to the man. He hits me over and over again. I don't react. I just put my hand out. "You want a fight than fight." He says. He scans me. "What the fuck do you want?" "I am sorry. I should have stopped hitting you." "Just for punching?" Peggy asks. "I am also sorry for trying to escape and my choice of words." "Since you broke it you can make it." A woman says and gives me a pipe. I climb up and make the pipe. "How? How can you climb on it?" I drop down from the pipe. "I use my hands." "Okay? If you go through that door you will get in a climbing hall. There is one place no one ever got. You are going to try it while we create a handicap for you." "Cool." Everyone goes through the other door. They place shock things on my limbs. "The higher you get the harder it is." They say. It's a very big climbing wall. They put the safety things on me. I climb up. The shocks start but it doesn't bother me. They turn it up and I fall. I catch myself and climb again. "Okay, come down." They say and Peggy nods. I climb down. "Put this on." They say and show weights as clothings. I put it on. "Go climb."  I roll my eyes and start to climb. After some struggles I manage to get to the top. "Do a flip off the top." "Can I detach myself from the rope?" "Sure, it's your life you are risking." They say and laugh. I detach myself and flip off the top. I land safely. "Looks like you concurred your fear." The woman from my moms gang says as she takes her mask off. My facial expressions disappear. She gets right in-front of me. She slaps me. "Come on. Show something." She says.

The maffiaboss and their crushTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon