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During the span of one week, I started having this feeling that something was wrong between the guys. They didn't do anything but I begun noticing that they weren't  treating each other like how they usually did.

Like if Jaemin and Jisung we're close to each other they elbowed each other without making noise thinking I couldn't see it, when in reality I did.
Or when they glared at each other when I was coming back from the washroom and Chenle slammed his bottle at the table glaring at them as if he was trying to discipline them.

It hurt me...because they weren't treating each other right and hid it from me thinking I didn't notice anything. It hurt me...because I didn't know the reason for their behaviour, so I decided to confront the three of them one day during lunch.

"I'm not dumb.....I can see that there's something wrong between the three of you that you're not telling me about. If you don't tell me the reason now...consider our friendship finished." I said making them widen their eyes as I calmly ate my lunch.

"Taeri there nothing wrong between us. I swear please just don't end our friendship." Jisung pleaded but the look of guilt on Chenle's face gave it out. His face just looked guilty as if he was hiding something.

"Liar..." I mumbled making Jaemin and Jisung  look at me while Chenle still had the same look.

"I promise...it has nothing to do with Chenle...Taeri....I'm just bitter with him about something from the past. He brought it up triggering me which led to me beating him up. Chenle saw it but I begged him not to tell you cause....I'm embarrassed of my past.

I didn't want you to think I'm a whimp...Or a nerd...I swear with my life...we aren't lying...please...believe us Taeri..." Jaemin said looking at me with glossy eyes as he held my hand.

"Prove it...Prove me that you're not lying...cause things between you I guys look tense. It worries me." I said as Jaemin looked at Jisung with eyes I couldn't read.

"Okay...I....After Eunji came back in the picture....I couldn't help but remember how weak Jaemin used to be. And it felt as though the old Jisung came back and I told Jaemin some words...taking it to far making him angry...

Because he hated the past and I reminded him of it causing him to punch me...making me fight back...then one punch led to another one and another one till anger and hatred was all we could see for each other. I never meant to...hurt him...but I did."
Jisung said making me soften

"I mean...I'd forgive him...but he didn't give me a chance...and I didn't give him one either. So...I'm sorry.....
Jisung....I really am...." Jaemin said as they both hugged each other.

"I'll forgive you only if you forgive me first...." Jisung said.

"I forgive you..." Jaemin said as Jisung smiled.

"I forgive you too." Jisung said making Jaemin smile too.

"Aww...Now was that so hard?" I asked as they shook their heads.

"Thanks Taeri....and thanks for believing us." Jaemin said making me chuckle.

"No problem, I'm just happy the both of you made up....Chenle...stop feeling guilty now...everything is fine now." I said as he smiled a bit.

"I'm just guilty that I hid it from you...I wanted to tell you so much but...I had to keep mum for their sake." He said as I hugged him.

"Hey...smile again....your face doesn't look handsome with a frown....it make a you look ugly." I said and smiled as I start seeing a smile appear on his face.

"What do you mean I look ugly with a frown?! I look rather sexy!" He said making me smile.

"No, Lele only looks good with a smile."

3rd person's

Chenle even as he smiled, he couldn't help but pity the girl as she didn't realise the truth. She couldn't see that the words she was being told were all lies...the smiles she was given...all lies. He hated to lie to her...but he couldn't help it...three of them were his best friends and he couldn't bare to see any of them sad. So he had no choice...but to play along.

He knew if she ever found out, she would never forgive him...but he had no other choice. His mother taught him to always treasure friends and they were the friends he knew he never wanted to lose.


Ooo sad, dramatic and heartbreaking
I hope you loved today's chapter.

As the saying goes...with happiness comes thunderstorms. No I made it up myself.

So are you in the next chapter!


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