"Excuse me?"

"Alright" He sighed before retrieving something from his back pocket "How much for you to forget this whole thing ever happened" He questioned retrieving something from his back pocket. The end of his pen connected to a check as he looked at me awaiting a number

"Excuse me?" I was greatly confused but more than anything offended. Did I really seem like some girl that slept with people like Justin for money? Is that what everyone else thinks of me?

"You aren't the first girl to have gotten lucky with a pop star, you just lasted way longer than the others. Look you've already caused enough problems so in order to fix this, you've gotta get out of the picture. We both know how this works so there's no need to beat around the bush. Just say a number and agree to never speak of this again"

"Justin will be down once he's awake" I marched up the stairs with much irritation as I reached the bedroom. The blood in my veins boiled as I scoffed to see Justin exiting the bathroom with his face damp indicating that he'd freshened up for the day already

"Good morning sweetheart, who was at the door?" he asked pooping down on the bed

"Morning, um actually your manager is downstairs looking for you"

"Scooter's here? What the hell? Why?"

"How should I know, he's your manager" I shrugged not being able to hide my irritation. I just couldn't believe his manager basically called me a groupie and tried to buy my silence. As I pondered on the thought, was it really that hard to believe? Justin often hints at how evil this music industry is and I think I just got a glimpse of it

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. You okay?"

"Sorry no I'm fine. I uh...I'm gonna get dressed then head out for the day" I didn't want to seem as if I was pushing him away but I just needed a little time alone

"Wait where are you going?"

"I just thought I'd see a few of my old friends while I'm in town. I figured you'd be busy since the album came out this morning and I know it'll be a hectic day for you"

"I mean yeah but you could totally come with me. I have a performance at Good morning America—- shit! What time is it?" He rushed over to his phone that it was 6:48 am "Fuck I'm gonna be late!"

I simply stood still watching him run back and forth to get dressed and grab all of his belongings

"I totally forgot about this performance"

"You want me to make you coffee before you leave?"

"No no there's no time." I followed him downstairs to see scooter pacing back and forth on his phone looking stressed

"For fuck's sake Justin you were supposed to be up at 6! Look at what time it is, we're running behind schedule"

"I know I know"

"Let's go the team is already there ready to do your hair and make up"

"Okay I'll meet you at the car"

"Justin there's no t—"

"It'll only be a second Scooter" Scooter sighed before looking at me then back at him walking away

"So I see you've met my awesome manager, he's super easy going right?"

"Oh he's something" I mumbled

"Are you sure you don't want to come? I could send a car for you later so you could have time to get dressed"

"No it's okay, Don't worry I won't miss the performance. I'll watch you from home"


"I wouldn't miss it for the world" he smiled before kissing my lips

"Okay I'll call you when I can okay?"


"Call me if you need anything, and I mean anything. I'll answer even if I'm performing"

"Okay hahaha"

"Ok wait one more kiss" I giggled before passing him once more "Okay I'll see you later sweetheart, I love you"

"I-Okay" he pecked my cheek before jogging away in such a rush. I smiled faintly at his sweet words but suddenly frowned at my lack of words

There's no denying my strong feelings for Justin so why is it so hard to say those three words? I know he isn't anything like my ex and I also know that I could trust him but something is holding me back.

I need to get to the bottom of this before his feelings begin to fade

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