One-way ticket

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It was a 30 minute drive to the airport.

 I snuck in my house before my parents woke up to grab all of my savings from under my bed. I had saved up about 700 dollars within the last few years.

I texted Leah and told her the plan as I pulled up to the side of the airport. I hopped out, paid the parking fee, and walked through the doors.

I had nothing but a backpack.

"Hi, excuse me?" I caught the attention of the lady at the front desk.

"How can I help you?' She asked.

"Can I get a ticket to Fargo, North Dakota?"

She started typing on her computer while I waited anxiously.


I nodded.

"For now."

I would work out the details with Judd once I got there.

"I have a connecting flight in an hour for $409."

I nodded and reached into my purse to hand her the money.


After 15 minutes of me trying to buy a ticket for myself I was headed towards security.

I had just turned 18 and have never had to go through this process myself before.

I got through security and started walking towards my gate. I won't lie I was a bit nervous. I'm prone to air-sickness and the thought of being 35000 feet in the air in a big metal tin with 40 other people didn't sound too appealing.

But just the fact that I was on my way to see Judd would get me through it.

30 minutes later and I was boarding the plane. 

Seat 21b 

I repeated the seat number in my head all the way down the aisle until I got to my row.

It was the window seat- that would hopefully keep me from getting sick.

I smiled at the girl who I was sitting next to as she got up to let me in.

I sat down and stuffed my bag underneath the seat in front of me and immediately put my seatbelt on.

"You don't have to be so nervous, the plane hasn't even taken off yet-" The girl next to me laughed, able to tell already that I was scared.

"yeah- I guess you're right.. I don't know why planes freak me out so much."

"I used to be the same way, you get used to it." She shrugged.

"I don't think I ever will." 

She laughed.

"Heading home or leaving it?" She asked.



"Sort of.." 

"What's your name?" 

"Y/n, you?"

Before she could answer the pilot spoke over the intercom. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome onboard flight 6B9 with service from New York to North Dakota. we are currently second in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately six minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please put away all larger electronic devices and put your cell phones on airplane mode. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing American. Enjoy your flight."

"This is my favorite part." the girl next to me muttered as the cabin lights turned off.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I gripped the arm rests as the plane took off.

I held on tighter and didn't move until we were up in the air.

"You're okay now-" The girl laughed.

I opened my eyes and laughed with her. "That wasn't so bad." 

"It never is." She reassured.

"So what sparked this trip?" She asked me.

"I'm going to meet my boyfriend."

"Interesting.. long distance?"

"No." I mumbled.

"tell me about it." She smiled.

"I don't think you'll want to hear it."

"I insist." 

"Basically my boyfriend got scared of the commitment, so he ran away to North Dakota. I'm going to go find him and confess my love- cheesy, I know."

"That's not cheesy, it's adorable. I wish I was as good of a girlfriend as you are,  but that's way behind me. Anyways.. why did he go all the way to North Dakota?"

I smiled, "He likes snow."


3 hours went by while the girl next to me worked on her laptop and I read my book.

The pilot announced that we'd be landing shortly so I took out my earbuds and put my book away.

I looked over at the girl next to me.

She was beautiful, she had long purple hair and bright blue eyes. She looked about my age and had several piercings on her face. 

She had a tattoo on her neck that looked like it was done recently.

It was just then as she was putting her laptop away that I realized she had never told me her name.

"What was your name again?" I asked.

She finished putting away her laptop and sat back in her seat.

"Sam." she replied.

Sam.. that name sounded familiar but I couldn't remember why.

"Are you from New York?" 

"Originally yes, a few months back I moved to Fargo so I was  just visiting my parents."

"Oh cool, what made you move?"

"Bad breakup.. plus, I like snow too."

I thought about her answer as the plane landed. Something about her name and story seemed so familiar to me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it."

Once we were on the ground the pilot turned the seatbelt sign off and everyone got up to leave.

"You're really cool Y/n, here's my number. You should let me know how things work out with your boyfriend." She handed me a business card and grabbed her luggage. 

We exchanged smiles and then it was my turn to get off the plane.

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