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It was early in the morning.

I had packed a bag and was out the door with little to no idea where in the world Judd could be.

I decided within five minutes of driving that I was going to go over to Chance's house and see if he knew where he was.

I was in Leah's car, she let me borrow it seeing how desperate I was.

I think she still disapproves of Judd and I, not because she doesn't want to see me happy, but because she doesn't want to see me hurt.

Maybe she's right-

'What am I even doing right now.. Judd obviously wanted to leave so I should just let him."

I started to talk out loud.

I suppose because I expected an answer.

Maybe not a helpful answer. But one from someone I could trust to make me feel better.

It was then that I realized how long it's been that I'd seen Connie, and that scared the shit out of me.

I knew it was coming, I knew she'd have to leave me.. but this soon?

I started to feel the tears coming. Connie had been with me since I was 12, loudly having my back with everything. I held them back as I approached Chance's small home.

I shut the car door behind me and walked up to the front porch. It was barely 5 a.m but I didn't have the patience to wait until a reasonable time.

I knocked lightly at first, then it got to the point where I was banging on the door.

I heard a voice yell inside shortly before the door swung open.

Chance stood in the doorway in boxers and a tank top, his green hair still messy from sleep.


He closed the door once he saw who it was.

"Chance!" I banged on the door until he opened it again.

"Okay- get in before the neighbors call the cops."

I walked down and sat on the couch, he clearly knew something and I was going to find out what it was.

I stared him down, waiting for him to talk first.

He looked uncomfortable, clearly tired. I had no doubt that if I didn't wake him up then he would've slept til noon.

"Start talking." I demanded.

"What about-" he kept a straight face, but I could see right through it. Chance was never the brightest so I knew he would crack.

"Don't play dumb Chance."

"What are you talking about?"


I stared him dead in the eyes, he just shrugged which pissed me off.

"Chance I don't have time for this. You and I both know Judd left. Long story short I'm going after him, and in order for me to do that I first need to know where he is."

"So why did you come here?" He asked, letting go of the act.

"Because- you're his best friend."

"Not ever since you came into his life. It's always "Y/n this" "Y/n that", he barely talks about anything else. So why should I tell you anything? I'm glad he left. He needs a break from you."

I stared at him in disbelief, I had no idea he felt this way.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't know."

"bullshit- you knew the hold you had on him, you love it don't you? Practically owning him."

"Chance. I love him."

He looked up from playing with his hands.

He seemed shocked.

"I really do. I don't own him, I know that. But I need to know if he loves me back- I need to find him."

"He does."


"Shit. I would've never let him leave if I knew you felt that way."


"The day before he left. he came over ranting, going on and on about how he couldn't lose you, how he felt as if you were gonna walk out of his life and hurt him like Sam did-"

"A little hypocritical?"

"Let me finish."

I shut my mouth and listened to the rest of his story.

"I- I told him that he should end it before anything happened. I thought you were just like her, and I didn't want to see Judd get hurt like that again. I should've seen that you were different, I know that now. Judd told me he couldn't end things with you and then look at your face every day knowing how much love he still had for you. So he left to live in North Dakota."

"North Dakota??"

Chance shrugged, "He likes snow."

"He likes snow??"

Chance nodded.

"Well I need to leave- right now."

"Okay, I'll text you the address. He's living with like four other people. He answered an ad online and now he has roommates. Can you believe that? Judd- with roommates.."

"No..I really can't."

Chance continued on about what Judd could've possibly been doing right now. Laughing as he describes potential scenarios.

I would've joked with him, but- I couldn't focus on anything other than Judd.

He loved me too

I knew it for sure now, and that only made me more eager to find him.

I cut Chance off mid-laugh with a tight hug.

"Thank you.." I muttered.

He hugged back and smiled against the top of my head.

"Any time Y/n. Just not this time, it's 5 in the morning and I'm exhausted."

I laughed and we said our goodbyes.

Now it was time to get Judd and bring him home.

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