Birthdays and druggings

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Tw: drugs, sexual assault, alcohol

The entrance to the club was dark and shady but you could see the slivers of purple light beaming under the metal doors.

Judd handed us our Id's.

"Cool, Im 21" I laughed out loud, hopefully I pass well.

"Okay let's go over our lines," Leah said.

She's always been very strategic, where as I was a more go with the flow kind of girl.

We went over our birthdays, the year we graduated, and our zodiac signs- just incase.

"Dammit Judd why did you make me a Gemini?"

He rolled his eyes at my silly interest in astrological signs.

I laughed it off as I climbed out of the backseat and into the cool night air.

While walking to the entrance I caught Judd gazing at me. His eyes fixated on the way the silk tightened around my hips, his center of focus moving to my plump, red lips- then my eyes.

He averted his gaze to the bouncer standing outside of the club.

You could hear the music from outside, I can't imagine how loud it will be once we get in.

"Leah!" A large guy came trudging down the sidewalk, arms open as if they were old friends reuniting for the first time in years.

"Brant!" She ran over and greeted him, he put his arm around her as they walked over to Judd and I.

Brant seemed too old to have his arm wrapped around a 16 year old girl.

I think Judd was thinking the same thing because he scoffed and started negotiating with the bouncer.

Brant seemed to have a connection to him and could get us in easily.

A muscle in Judd's cheek tightened and he looked annoyed.

I smiled at the guy but he just stood there blankly.

When I walked into the club I was taken aback by the bright led's that lined the floors and ceilings.

My heels were loud on the glowing glass floor. I looked at Leah who was already off in the corner making out with Brent.

I sighed and started walking towards the bar, catching one last glance at Judd before he exited cunningly.

The tall barstool was sticky and gross which I found distasteful, it was the same for all the other ones.

I decided on one near the edge of the bar and ordered two shots of whiskey.

I swilled them down and pulled out my phone.

Y/n: where are you?

L: *image*

She was still with Brant.

Y/n: can you come meet me at the bar? I feel weird sitting here alone.

L: dude you're fine. Get out there and dance, it's your birthday!

I put my phone down.

"This seat taken?" An attractive man, about 6 foot, asked.

He had golden brown hair and light blue eyes.

"Obviously not.." I muttered. I was a little upset Leah just up and left me as soon as we got here.

"Ooh feisty- I like that in a woman." He grinned at me with perfect teeth.

I rolled my eyes and asked the bartender for another drink.

"So, what's your name feisty?"

I giggled, slightly drunk.


"Pretty.. Im adam, can I buy you a drink?"

I nodded.

I was about to take a sip when I was interrupted by a girl a few years older than me tripping over my stool.

"Oh shit- are you okay?"

The clearly intoxicated girl nodded and got right back up to dance.

I looked at Adam and shrugged before guzzling down my fourth drink.

"Care to dance?" Adam looked me in my eyes, I like when boys do that. I wish Judd was here..

I took his hand and followed him to the center of the dance floor.

As I was swaying along to the extremely loud music my eyes suddenly became sensitive to the bright illumination, the spotlights practically blinding me, and the music sounded as though it was coming from another room.

"Wait Mr. where are we going?" I questioned as the tall man led me through the crowd.

I was on the brink of passing out when Adam slipped a hand down my dress and started feeling on my breasts.

"No- stop." I pawed at his arm but I seemed to have lost all strength.

We were now behind the bar, in an alley that smelled like alcohol and vomit.

Why was I here?

Wasn't I just in there? Dancing?

I started to feel extremely drowsy, I wanted to lay down and go to sleep. Why was this guy trying to shove me in his car? I thought he wanted to dance with me..?

I was scared-

Who is that coming towards us?

"Plea- help-" I tried calling out to the mysterious figure, but he was already right next to me. Punching this guy in the face.

And now for the second time, I passed out while Judd Birch saved me from impending doom.

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