3. Unova (2)

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(i have too much pictures of these two)

Skyla: I'd like to live through a week that's not a whole new verse of "We Didn't Start the Fire."

Iris: Can I offer you a nice stick in this trying time?

Cheren: Seriously, Roxie, how many people would you have killed if we'd asked you to?
Roxie: That's not important

Hilda: How do you want your coffee?
Nate: Black, like my soul.
Hilda: Nate, your soul is a latte.

Cilan: I'm yet to properly begin my history notes BUT!!!! I got 100% on a quiz about Galarian history so who's the REAL winner here.

Nate: What is this!?
Bianca: That's the weight of guilt. Give in to the nice side. Help those unfortunate, and make the guilt go away, my friend.
Nate: Ow! Make it stop!
Bianca: Surrender to your kindness, Nate. It's nice to be nice.
Nate: Your guilt is strong, my friend. But it is no match for the power of my selfishness!

Cheren: Can you pass the salt?
Hilbert: Can you pass away?
Cheren: Too much salt.

Skyla: Don't go to the kitchen.
Rosa: Why?
Skyla: I saw an Ariados.
Rosa: Well, did you kill it?
Skyla: It has 8 arms and I only have 2, it's not fair...

Skyla: Truth or dare?
Elesa: Truth.
Skyla: How many hours have you slept this week?
Elesa: Dare.
Skyla: Go to sleep.
Elesa: I don't like this game.

Hilda: Do you know the ABCs of first aid?
Iris: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.

Ingo: Guys where did Emmet go?
Hilbert: He got arrested.
Ingo: How the hell-
Emmet: *Bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.

Iris: Why does Roxie always do the laundry so loudly?
Skyla: So everyone knows that no one helps her out in the house.
Roxie, in the distance: *slams the washing machine shut*

Emmet: *Kicks the door open, looking panicked*
Nate: What did you do?!

Elesa: So... what's goin' on?
Cheren: You want the long version or the short version?
Elesa, hesitantly: The short one, I guess?
Cheren: Shit's fucked.
Elesa: Oh. Well, yeah, that's definitely not an optimal situation.

Hilbert: *tapping fingers on table*
Iris: *taps fingers back furiously*
Roxie: ...What's going on?
Skyla: Morse code. They're talking.
Hilbert: -.-- ..- .-. / - .... . / -.-. ..- - . ... -
Iris: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!

Hilbert: We're about to do the taser challenge. You want in?
Iris: What's the taser challenge?
Roxie: We tase eachother, then drink.
Iris: How do you win?
Hilbert: What are you, a lawyer? You want in or not?

Cress: I think Cilan is in trouble.
Chili: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I'm honest.

Iris: *sharpens knife* We've got ways of making people talk.
Iris: *cuts piece of cake*
Hilda: ...Can I have some?
Iris: Cake is for talkers.

Cilan, cowering in fear: What do you want from me?!
Hilda, standing in front of Cilan: *bites into the whole KitKat bar like a heathen*
Cilan, crying: Please...stop...

Hilda: I am a responsible adult!
Elesa: *raises brow*
Hilda: I am an adult.

Nate: honk.
Emmet: WHAT.
Nate: HONK.

*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Iris: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Cheren: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Rosa: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Ingo: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.
Rosa: *flips the board*

Cress: What time is it?
Hilda: I don't know, pass me that saxophone and we'll find out
Hilda: *BLASTS the saxophone*
Hilda: It's 2 am

Hilbert, texting Hilda: I'm a theif.
Hilda: Thief.
Hilbert: Theif.
Hilda: I before E except after C.
Hilbert: Thceif.
Hilda: NO.

Skyla: Why shouldn't you put a toaster in a bathtub full of water?
Rosa: Because your toast would get soggy!

Hilbert: I have a problem.
Rosa: If it's harder than 2+2, I can't help.

Iris: You're mean!
Bianca: You're meaner!
Iris: Yeah, well, you're ugly too!
Bianca: You're uglier!
Iris: You're a dumbass!
Bianca: You're a dumberass!
Iris: You think "dumberass" is a good insult!

Chili: So according to the cease and desist order I got, apparently you can't 'legally' be a lawyer if your license is 'cut out of a cereal box'.

Emmet, watching power lines fall down: Ingo, Elesa! The town is exploding and it's very pretty!

Iris: Hey, wanna hear a funny joke?
Rosa: I only like dark humor.
Iris, turning the lights off: What do you call a fake noodle?

Cress: Damn, the power went out.
Emmet: Don't worry, I got this.
Emmet: *stomps foot*
Cress: What-?
Emmet: *Sketchers light up*

Emmet, Hilda & Hilbert: *screaming*
Ingo: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Hilbert?!
Emmet: Wait, why are you asking Hilbert that when Hilda and I are also here?
Ingo: Because Hilbert wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.

Iris: Did you buy eggs like I asked?
Nate: Even better!
Iris: What the fuck did you-
Nate: *holding up a Torchic* Her name is Fluffy.

Iris: What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched?
Roxie: IT.
Cress: Annabelle.
Cilan: Paranormal Activity.
Cheren: High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words.

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