Daoming Si and his drink

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" We'll be arriving in 5 minutes to the hotel " announced Daoming Si.

" Ah , that's good! " Mr Dong looked the time at his watch.

It's 9. 25 pm.

" AhSi, you should stop for a coffee. It's not that late, and I think you need a rest too after driving for hours. "

" I am absolutely fine, Shushu! " Daoming Si replied politely as always.

" yes of course. I insisted to treat you. I am sure the hotel will still serving us this time. " added Mr Dong.

" Then if you insisted Shushu, okay. "

After they're put their stuffs in their rooms, Mr and Mrs Dong and Shancai joining Daoming Si in the hotel lounge.

It turned out Daoming Si didn't have coffee, but ordered beer instead.

" oh you drink beer AhSi. " Mr Dong exclaimed, rather surprised.

" not that I forbid you drinking alcohol AhSi, your age is allowed, but isn't it wise to drink before you driving? "

Now Mr Dong feel so concern.

Also Mrs Dong and Shancai questioned him too.

" AhSi, I am not so sure we will let you driving back to Shanghai after this tonight " uttered Mrs Dong.

" why you so stupid Daoming Si ? You know that you can't drink and drive, even you think only small amount " Shancai asked him in disbelief.

Daoming Si chuckled.

" okay, okay I won't driving back. I will staying here tonight. " He answered calmly.

" What! What do you mean here? You can't be staying here. You have no clothes " Shancai investigated.

" I have. I always keep spare clothes in the car. So no problem, " explained Daoming Si.

" Where are you going stay then? "

" I'll ask if they have a room here. If not then I can sleep in the car. It's not big deal "

He stood up and walked to the receptionist.

A few minutes later, he came back . " Sorted, I booked a room here . "

Mr and Mrs Dong looked at each other, shooked their head.

" No need to worry, just a thought you all probably need transportation to the wedding venue tomorrow. While I am here, I can drive you there too. So you no need to use taxi. " suggested Daoming Si.

" I don't know what to say " Mr and Mrs Dong answered him.

" Don't have to say anything, that's sorted, okay " Daoming Si smiled sneakily and ordered another bottle of beer.

( I have no idea whether that was planned or by accident, he was ended up staying ) 

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