Chapter 13: Breaking in & The Ultimate Weapon

Start from the beginning

"Hey, stop right there!" One of the guards said to them as they stop knowing that there caught. "Show yourselves now!" He said aggressively.

As being told they all went out of the shadows to reveal themselves 'goth like' which Linda was embarrass thinking that this plan might not work and not being the best at fashion because she thought it might be close to her tribe kind.

"Hey were Heavy Metal too, jerk!" Linda acted like she was aggressive for being yelled at but she was actually worried.

"Prove it,"

"Mark is 27 years old and he use to be a father of 3 and his own adopted daughter betray him for an unknown reason."

"Proof taken."

They all sighed quietly but as all hope is lost when the guards gave them instruments to start up the big show.

"We're screwed." Smidge said nervously.


As the guard told them a big concert was inside the cave which was like a volcano about to erupt and the Heavy Metal trolls including Techno, Country, Classical, Funk, Pop, Hard Rock, Lullaby, J-pop, Electronic, Rhythm&Blues, and lastly Remix were all in it, knowing that there will be no way to escape which they all enjoyed except the rest; who are not Heavy Metal.

Suddenly the ground started to glow to realize its a platform, as more smoke and light started to come a figure appear and as the smoke and light disappear it reveal to be Mark with his face painted white with a black star on his left eye and wearing a thick, long sleeve, layer black suit with some thorns on each side while the middle is open to see his abs, wearing a very dark grey belt with bone like gadgets around it. His pants are also shiny black with dark grey nets with thorn around both thighs making it tilt on purpose, on his knees has silver and black stars on each one and finally, he has black boots with silver and black stars underneath the boots as well.

"All right my trolls, who's ready to see this concert started!" The heavy metal king yelled joyfully to his trolls, which a bunch of fangirls were also applauding lovingly while the boys were a bit jealous but didn't care because they want to see the big show.

"Something takes a part of me"

"Something lost and never seen"

"Every time I start to believe"

"Something's raped and taken from me, from me"

"Life's gotta always be messing with me (you wanna see the light"

"Can't they chill and let me be free? (So do I)"

"Can't I take away all this pain? (You wanna see the light)"

Mark then pointed to the goth disguised goth Snack Pack along with their friends, even Linda who's also in disguised confused and scared; not knowing what to say. Mark was confused on these guys. So, he continue to sing again to really 'make sure' their Heavy Metal trolls.

"Sometimes I cannot take this place"

"Sometimes it's my life I can't taste"

The king then went back to the group again who once again didn't say anything in confusion and fear. However, Linda's emotions went from confusion and fear into confidence and joy because she had heard this song before.

"Sometimes I cannot feel my face"

"You'll never see me fall from grace"

Mark was of course was surprised that a group of trolls that he didn't know knew what kind of genre he 'only' plays in his tribe. But, he ignored it and counite to sing instead of asking questions of course.

"Something takes a part of me"

"You and I were meant to be"

"A cheap funk for me to lay"

"Something takes a part of me"

"Part of me (3x)"


As the male, dark-grey heavy metal troll was done singing his song, every heavy metal troll cheered loudly, just like he liked it. No, he loves it. 

"All right, who's ready for the 'real' surprise?!"

He asked the his whole tribe loudly as they cheered in response. So, a sudden bright explosion of fire blasted out of nowhere, that holds a skeleton guitar which had the other tribes string all in one spot. The Heavy Metal king then grabbed it as he then pulled out a capo which is black, with a white skull in the middle.

He played it for a little bit and is now about to announce something from his mouth showing an evil grin.

"Give it up for your former leaders and the other leaders;  Electronic, Rhythm&Blues, Lullaby, J-pop, Funk, Country, Techno, Classical, Hard Rock and worst of all, Remix and Pop!" 

Mark was about to use his ultimate weapon on the Remix and the Pop queen until one of the  'disguised' goth gang members came up and try to stop him, which turn out to be his niece; Linda.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my own niece, or shouldn't call her the 'traitor' instead." Mark said as the other Heavy Metal trolls booed at her and then she felt fear and sadness inside.

"You don't understand! What you're making is a big mistake and I was right, you're never going to see your family, but the remaining of them instead!"

"Maybe you can just get out of my face instead?!" He yelled at her as he then played a melody on the ultimate weapon on his own niece. While Linda got hit with bright flash of dark red light, she is now trapped in a hard rock, then it started to crack to reveal Linda in a leather, black jacket that is not closed exposing her chest with a black dress with fishnets on her arms and legs, she even wore spikey dark-grey with magenta spike pattern on her boots as well.

Mark was surprised and smiled in joy but behind that smile holds a worried and regretted face that he used his ultimate weapon on his 'Daughter' first.

"O.. oh. Sick! Th.. th. this totally does work." Saying in a worried expression and was feeling like he was going to cry in regret, but kept it in to continue his work.

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