(Chapter #7)- Lyrics & Guitars

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Then I shove him off. I start to breathe heavily. "That didn't mean anything. Now leave me alone." He wipes his mouth before I slam the door in his face.


It was my birthday today.

It's been a few days since the whole insistent with Luke. I haven't seen him at all. Not even in the halls.

Ashton and Calum wanted to throw this whole party for me, but I said no. Then they said at one of their houses just to throw a party but it secretly be for me. I sighed and agreed, letting them do whatever they wanted and then I could have my own little birthday celebration.

I walked back home slowly, watching my feet slam into the concrete. It was very nice to have some quiet time throughout the day before the huge party thing. I'm so awkward at parties. I don't know what do to, who to talk to. I'm just the one that sits in the corner, the sober one.

When I walked up the stairs, carefully placing my foot on each step, I almost turn back around. But instead I stop moving.

Luke sits against the wall rubbing his temples with his fingers. He exhales sharply, before realizing I'm standing almost right in front of him.

"Cierra." He whispers. He stands up quickly, and I notice he has a guitar. He places it in his hands.

His blonde hair is a mess, but it looks good. His eyes, where do I begin. He looks like he hasn't slept for days. They have black loops under then pupils, but his blue eyes shine as bright as day.

"I heard it was your birthday, so I wanted to give you a present." He half smiles and shrugs. "I wrote this so, sorry if it's bad." I haven't moved from my place on the top of the stairs, so I decide to move forward, clearing my throat professionally.

"Okay, let's hear it."

I think it was my new favorite song.

"She sits at home with the lights out,

Seen life in different colors,

I think it's time that we wake up,

So let me take you away.

And we can run down the street with the stars in our eyes,

Turn down this town in the dark of the night,

Just open that door we've got time on our side,

We can make it out alive

Hey we're taking on the world,

Ill take you were you want to go.

Pick you up if you fall to pieces,

Let me be the one to save you.

Break the plans we had before.

Lets be unpredictable.

Pick you up if you fall to pieces,

Let me be the one to save you."

He continues the song, and I am literally intrigued. It's so beautiful.

When he finishes playing and singing, I don't know what to say.

"Wow." Is the only thing that comes out of my half open mouth. His voice was like an angels', and he played guitar like the most easiest thing in the world. I loved it. I loved how musical he was.

"Do you like it?" He whispers. We're about a foot apart. I stepped in more while he played- so did he. I nod slowly, looking up into his blue eyes. "Good."

Then it's silent. I can hear cars passing on the streets, I can hear the ocean moving, the trees waving in the wind. He clears his throat.

"Well, I'm going to go. That's all I wanted to..." He trails off, not knowing the right words. "Say." He decided on, before walking past me. I can see he had tried not to touch me as he did. I felt so bad.

When I couldn't hear him anymore, I sighed and moved towards my door. Unlocking the door, I stepped inside and slammed it shut. I'm going to get ready for this party.


Hey guys!!!

I am so sorry this chapter is so late holy fucking crap.

I feel so bad im so sorry.

Ive been so busy.

Im sorry.


(long authors note lol)

So, I think I'm going to make this book 14-15 parts oops hahahahahHAHAHAHAHAH


teehee I said but




so basically, this book is going to end soon ;(

It might end badly, it might end goodly <<<< is that a word.

The book I'm making with a friend is practically a one shot book, but it won't be all smut. Some will be sad, some will be good. Some will be dating the 5sos boys, some will be meeting the 5sos boys, some will be breaking up with the 5sos boys, it will be a little bit of everything.

We will change each boy every chapter haha. It'll just be a short story kind of thing.

I'm doing it with one of my best friends irl, and we're doing the book on this account so lol

I'm super excited to start the book.

Another rule I think we established is that we're going to have our music and shuffle it. The first song that comes on will be the "chapter song" and what is it mainly about and what the mood is. So if it's, um idfk, Walls by All Time Low, it'll be about one of the 5sos boys trying to get with the girl. I'm pretty sure it will always be the girls point of view, never one of the guys.


long authors note.

I'm just so excited for this you don't even know.

These next few chapters of the book are going to be a little shorter than usual, around 1500-1700 words hehe. They're usually 2000 but. I WILL PROBABLY ALSO WORK ON OTHER BOOKS OTHER THAN THE ONE SHOT BOOK ALSO BECAUSE ONE SHOTS ARE PRETTY QUICK AND EASY YAY.

so ya.

I pulled a muscle today in my leg.

My mom said its swollen.

Yet she still makes me take the dog out to the park with an injured leg.

Haha love you mom </3 :/

That's all I have to say.



^^ WTF this isn't FOB come on

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