49: This Is (Not) A Drill

Start from the beginning

Despite all that, when he tried to conquer the nightmares again he broke his dresser with a misfired blast from his powers. Every time he saw the trainers in his dreams he would spend the rest of the day shaky and on edge.

People might say he's handsome and that the leg was cool but they didn't really know how far down the scars went under his uniform or how badly his 'leg' hurt sometimes. If they knew...they wouldn't find him attractive at all.

Sometimes he felt like an old man in that respect.

A soldier that had come back from a battle, beaten and scarred and not at all the same bright eyed person that had left. And maybe someone could have loved the person that went with their parents to work that day, but no one could ever find beauty in the husk that had finally left the fight or the person the husk became.

Suddenly he was brought out of his thoughts by blaring alarms and red lights.

"An emergency drill is in progress. U.A is requesting the presence of class 1-A!" Nezu's voice said over the PA system. Suitcases containing their hero suits popped right out of the wall.

The class sprung into action, grabbing their suits and moving to change.

"We must act quickly!" Iida shouted, "Dress and organize yourselves!".

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Sanyu flew up in the air and surveyed the area.

"There's someone in the river!" Jiro called out from the top of one of the buildings. Sanyu didn't hesitate to head out.

"Asui, follow me on the ground!" He instructed. The girl gave him a little salute before climbing into the cart Iida was pulling. The 'river' was created to look as real as possible, just like the rest of U.A's fake city training ground.

The moment he locked eyes with it Sanyu became acutely aware of something he had completely forgotten.

He was afraid of water.

God, he was afraid of fire, afraid of water, afraid of the cold. If he was afraid of cliffs or heights he'd have the whole set.

But like many things he discovered there was an exception.

Because the person in the water was Mirio. And now everything was different. They must have gotten some third years to help them with the drill. Maybe even just the big three. They would be hard enough to take down without the rest of their class.

So he flew closer to the river until Mirio noticed him. "Heya Sanyu." He said, "Feel like saving a civilian today?".

It felt like Sanyu's brain was pulling apart in two pieces. He wanted to joke along with Mirio, pull him out and fly him over to the bridge or something but he also wanted to wait for orders and not go anywhere near the water.

"Hey, look at me for a sec." Mirio said, interrupting Sanyu's thoughts. "I got you this! It's seaweed, but it's a pretty colour!". The older teen held his hand above the water and he was indeed holding a fist full of seaweed.

Sanyu couldn't quite manage a smile, but his features softened. 'Come on,' Mirio thought to himself, 'You googled this. You know how to work with water trauma. You've got this!'. Now, he wasn't expecting Sanyu to be afraid of the stuff but after Eri expressed a fear of bath time he kind of knew what to do.

"Do you want to hold my hand?" The blond asked as he bobbed along with the fake river. Sanyu tilted his head to the side but held out his hand obediently. Mirio reached up with his own and slowly took Sanyu's, pulling it down until it was touching the water. "Is this okay?".

Sanyu nodded twice and, surprisingly, held out his other hand to touch the water. It glided right across the river creating the most elegant ripples. Mirio couldn't stop himself from thinking that Sanyu looked beautiful like this. Trying.

The water reflected on his pale skin with ripples of light. Sanyu looked down at Mirio and suddenly looked embarrassed. "I should save you from drowning now, shouldn't I?" He asked.

Mirio laughed. "That might be a good idea, yeah." He responded with a smile. Sanyu lifted Mirio under his arms and situated him in a bridal carry. Huh. Somehow Mirio had always thought Sanyu was much shorter than that.

Sanyu quickly dropped Mirio off on the bridge with Asui and Mineta before more explosions rang out and he left to go handle the villains.

"What took you so long?" Kirishima said as he dodged one of Amajiki's attacks. Sanyu blushed a little and ran his fingers through his bangs.

Still, a shy smile worked its way onto his face as he stared down at the lump in his hand. "He gave me seaweed!".


IDK if the drill was ever an official episode or ever happened in the mange (probably didn't I don't remember it) but I thought it was fun so I kept it in. 

I also wanted to establish that Sanyu's fear of water is very much real. He's getting there, but he didn't submerge himself or get too much of his body wet so there's still a lot to work on. 

Also Sanyu calling himself an old man and then getting excited because the boy he claims he doesn't like gave him a bunch of random seaweed is so him 😂

This poor boy does not know how this works at all he just wants to be happy. 

I just realized this is like my third update of the day 😅. The joys of not having homework (read: ignoring the homework you were assigned)

Stay Tuned! 

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