Chapter 12: Not so Pretty...

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I could feel the air getting hotter and my face turning red. With my fists clenched I stomped out the back door to Miguel's house. Miguel's back yard and my back yard would be touching but we're separated by the alley in the middle. All of my friends must have over heard because they were coming out right after me without stopping.

I can't believe he would do this. What for? Nothing! That's probably what. I was furious. Not the kind of furious you get with your best friend then make up later and leave it alone. The kind of furious where you will do anything, even kill.

I turned around and told everyone they can watch, but stay back. I got this.

Without another word I jumped the fence to Miguel's house and searched. He wasn't there but there was a tree house in a tree with little cracks in it. I could see him pacing up there then looking down at me, eyes big and wide.

Scaredy cat.

I could tell he had just cut the rope to the ladder leading to the door. I looked around and saw a couple baseballs on the ground. I picked them up, one by one, and threw them at the side of the treehouse. I heard him whimper every time it went through the window. I soon ran out of base balls to throw. I looked some more and found a basketball.

"Good enough for me." I whispered to myself.

I grabbed the basketball and threw it as hard as I could to the plank of wood right under Miguel's feet. It broke and Miguel fell.

"Jackpot!" I yelled and everyone cheered. He stood up.

"I-I'm sorry I-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it! You sour ugly pineapple you know what you did!" Every time I spoke I took a couple steps closer to Miguel as he took a step back.

"You could have killed her! You might even have!" He finally backed into the tree. "You have NO idea what's coming for you now. SHES ONLY FIVE!"
Lucky I didn't get in trouble. He asked for it.

Middle School 2 ( but we're not in middle school anymore )Where stories live. Discover now