Chapter 8// Magic

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The social cookie had helped him out on multiple occasions and tried to convince everyone else to be more warm towards him. Even though he himself could be quiet cold, had a a chip in the ice for that cookie.

It was still just me and Necromancer on the sofa just sitting there silently. I guess it was quite early so it would be just the two of us for a while. He was sitting huddled on one end, book in hand while silently reading. But I was just sitting in the middle still closer to him, doing nothing but sitting there awkwardly. I didn't really know what to say to him. What do you say to someone after you finally admit how truly horrible of a person you are? I wondered,

"What are you reading..?" I asked, oh yeah great conversation starter huh? I thought sarcastically,

"Why is it important?" He looked at me strangely,

"I dunno..I was just curious." I finally replied after a wave of silence, another one quickly overtook my words. Necromancer went back to reading his book, I just watched him,

"What do you want Spice?" He sighed closing his book and looking over at me. For some reason I started taking in all of the details of his eye. I got a good look of the color. It was a light blue and shining like ice. His eye is so pretty, I blushed from the thought. I realized that I was slightly leaning towards his face almost as if I was entranced. He had a confused look on his face but he was staring right back into my eyes, leaning back a bit,

"Spiccceee..?" He asked sounding confused, I quickly snapped back becoming very pink,

"Im sorry-I didn't mean to get so..close to you." I quickly apologized rubbing the back of my head awkwardly,

"Um, it's whatever." He assured still staring into my eyes as if he was trying to figure something out. We stared at each other again for a minute, his vision moved to the lower part of my face and then flicked back into my eyes again. He backed up a bit and turned his head forward, so that he was turned away from me. He then sighed,

"This is getting strange.." he mumbled under his breath,

"Huh?" I wondered,

"Um, it's clearly none of your business!" He snapped back, I smiled just happy that he was still himself even after what he heard. I felt like hugging him but knew he wouldn't like it,

"Can I hug you..?" I asked awkwardly holding my arms out. He looked at me with an unreadable expression,

"I suppose if this is what you wanted." He sighed as I smiled and quickly hugged onto him,

"Why are your hugs always tight?" He asked half complaining,

"I'm not sure? I guess I just like to hold you close to me." I explained hugging him tighter to me just for a second, I really wanted it to last more but I let go because I knew he would be annoyed I adjusted myself to sit with my legs bent to the side. I then looked back at him, surprisingly he looked almost a little happy or maybe he was just calm. His face looked a tad red as well,

"Can I read my book now?" He asked sarcastically huddling back over the end again,

"Yes, yes you can." I giggled then we just shifted into awkward silence. I just stared at the floor hoping that something would magically appear to keep me occupied. After a while there was a small clunk noise I looked over to see Necromancer suddenly holding his staff, it came from nowhere,

"Did you just make your staff appear..?" I wondered looking at the staff in amazement. He glanced at me and then at the staff,

"Oh, yes I did. After extensive practice and having a good link to this staff I can in fact summon it. It took a lot of hard work but it pays off to be able to summon my staff from anywhere it is." He explained proudly,

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