Chapter 5: The Inmate

Start from the beginning

                      This is it. The source of the noise. I stand before a building, It was... A cottage? A simple cottage. Maybe someone lived there? I hope so.

                     I went up the front porch and knocked on the door. No response. There was still that ear-piercing siren. It's hella' annoying. My poor ears. 

                     "Hello? Please, anyone? I need help! My friend and a man is injured by our camp! Please!" I shouted. But no signs of anyone on the other side of the door is responding. 

                     I leaned my back on the front door. Slowly sliding down, I hugged my knees. Silently distressed. James. James is out there. Injured.

                     It was a bad idea for me to run after all. Maybe if I stayed, I could have defended them from that- that girl. The one in bondage gear. Maybe if I stayed, I could have found a way to heal them, or just stop the bleeding of their hurtful-looking wounds. Now, I don't even know if they're.. Alive or not. 

                      "I'm over-reacting.." I thought. 

Then, a voice spoke.

                     "I'm coming!~" A voice of a jolly old woman, from the other side of the door. I scrambled to your feet. Finally, someone answered me!

                    I heard the clicking of locks from the other side of the door. Until the door opened and revealed a smiling old lady. "And who might you be, miss?" She asked. "Oh my, you're bloody! Come in, come in" She gestured for me to come in and I obliged. 

                     "Please.. You have to help me, my friend a-and a man is injured! Please, can I call 911 and my mom—" 

                     "Sorry miss, but I don't have any telephones or cell phones here.. You must be new." She wondered. "New?" I queried. Did she mean new to this forest? "Ha ha! You are new! It must be your first day. Come come!" She led you into a door. More specifically an elevator door.

                     "Lady, I don't understand what you're saying, I just need some help as all.. My friends—" "Hush now, darling. I know you don't remember signing into this but you'll understand... Soon..." She interrupted as she pushed my into the elevator. 

"Only those with the cards can enter. No one else can." She stated with a very noticeable but unfamiliar glint in her eyes.

It closed on me before I

could get out. Leading me into a different place.

"Stay safe and may your day of judgement be postponed!" The voice of the old woman said, trailing away.

                     "Oh god. Some crazy old woman just trapped me in her house.." I mumbled face-palming. I have the worst luck EVER.

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