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👶🍞 = Jeonginnie

🐶🎶 = Seungminnie

Sunshine🥰 = Felixie

QUokka = Jisungie

Drama🦙 = Hyunjinnie

ManofPrinciples = Changbinnie

Seungmin'sThighs = Minho-innie (lol)

Chrissapointed = Channie


8 Maniacs:

*QUokka and 7 others are online*

ManofPrinciples: well that was fun

QUokka: agreed 🤡

Drama🦙: hey sweet angel seungie?

🐶🎶: yeah ('-'*)?

Drama🦙: did you have fun?

🐶🎶: I guess??

Seungmin'sThighs: we totally fucked him up

Seungmin'sThighs: just for you bby~ <3

🐶🎶: we did (〃ω〃)

Drama🦙: cutie <3

QUokka: hey @ManofPrinciples

ManofPrinciples: ?

QUokka: ᕕ[ ́ ل͜ ́ ]੭

ManofPrinciples: JISUNG WTF IS THAT

QUokka: (థ ՞ਊ ՞)థ

ManofPrinciples: WHAT THE FAAACK

QUokka: the rest are all boring ( T ʖ̯ T)

ManofPrinciples: all the more reason to ditch

QUokka: no ໒( ಥ Ĺ̯ ಥ )७

ManofPrinciples: how the hell

ManofPrinciples: do you like

ManofPrinciples: the most ugly

ManofPrinciples: things

ManofPrinciples: ever??


Sunshine🥰: 💔

ManofPrinciples: WAIT LIX NO

ManofPrinciples: I DIDNT MEAN YOU

ManofPrinciples: MY BAD

ManofPrinciples: IM SORRY

Sunshine🥰: 😭

Drama🦙: r00d


ManofPrinciples: IM SORRYYYYY


Sunshine🥰: yeah 😢?

QUokka: he asked why I like ugly things

QUokka: I don't like you

Sunshine🥰: wha...? 🥺

Drama🦙: AYO WANNA GO?!

Chrissapointed: poor Felix :(

👶🍞: heart been broke so many times I-

Seungmin'sThighs: god dayum


Drama🦙: r00d pt 2

QUokka: Felix, I don't like you

QUokka: because you're not likeable

QUokka: you do so much for everyone

QUokka: you're kind, sweet, caring, smart

QUokka: you're handsome and beautiful

QUokka: and sexy all at the same time

QUokka: you're not likeable

QUokka: because you're only loveable

QUokka: the others can fuck off now tho

QUokka: cuz I love you

QUokka: more than those idiots ever could

QUokka: you're my moon amongst the stars

QUokka: you're the water 💦 😛

QUokka: to my otherwise dry af ocean

QUokka: and the final piece of my puzzle

ManofPrinciples: awe

Chrissapointed: that's actually cute

👶🍞: new ship 👯‍♂️🤳

Drama🦙: same 🐪

Seungmin'sThighs: @🐶🎶 we're better

Drama🦙 replied to you with 👱‍♀️

🐶🎶: @Seugmin'sThighs eeee

QUokka: oh

QUokka: and ur the cure for my morning wood

Chrissapointed: nvm

ManofPrinciples: oh-

QUokka: also Changbin

QUokka: about them faces

QUokka: I have my opinions, u have yours 👯‍♀️

QUokka: Felix?


Sunshine🥰: ILY TOO 😚 💕 🧩

QUokka: 😚 💕 🧩

Sunshine🥰: ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )

QUokka: my soul mate ('༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡

ManofPrinciples: dammit


Day before... Finding and Hurting Renjun.

The seven boys each took turns beating Renjun while Seungmin tended to the wounds of the student they found with him. This was the student that opened the door, this was done in an attempt to attract help.

"Don't. Fucking. Touch. My boyfriend. Again."

With each kick to the side like Renjun had done to Seungmin, came new threats.

"Disgusting shit. Don't ever come near us."

They continued until they decided Renjun had had enough, which took about 15 minutes.
The group left just in time for the first bell.
For the rest of the week Seungmin wore his blue shirt proudly, everyone having heard of what happened after footage got out.
They took Renjun to court and got him arrested, it was a good day (ily baby I swear).


8 Maniacs:

*Everyone is online*

🐶🎶: you know what @Drama🦙

🐶🎶: today WAS fun

🐶🎶: 🤩

ManofPrinciples: until I walked in on jilix

ManofPrinciples: idk about u but that

ManofPrinciples: was not fun

2 people replied to you with 😉

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