The Proposal ~Trevor Zegras

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"Jamie what the hell is going on" I ask as he leads me into the stadium. He has me blindfolded and if he doesn't tell me what's going on soon I will start swinging.

"Just relax y/n" How am I supposed to relax when I was basically dragged out of Trevor and I's apartment and not told anything except we're going to the stadium. I'm sure he wouldn't be relaxed if I did this to him!

"Ok now get on my back"

"Um Jamie I can't see you. How am I supposed to do that" I swear sometimes these boys have no common sense.

"Oh right hold on" I hear his footsteps and now I'm left completely alone still not sure where exactly I am. My brain goes into overdrive during the silence and before I know it there's sounds of footsteps coming back towards me.

"What's up n/n?" I recognize it to be Sonny's voice and I am even more confused. They didn't have skate or practice today so why is he here?

"Ok Milano is gonna lift you onto my back" I guess Jamie came back too

"Can I ask why?"

"Because there are stairs and I was given strict instructions to not let you get hurt." What the fuck is happening? Before I can speak I'm lifted onto Jamie's back and quickly wrap my arms around his neck to not fall right back off.

"You good?"

"Not really" He starts down the stairs anyway and I feel the temperature drop, so we're getting closer to the ice.

"Ok, I'm gonna put you on the ice and you have to count to 15 before you take the blindfold off" Oh yes let's put the girl who can't stand on solid ground on ice and leave her. That's a good idea I don't know why I've never thought of that before. He sets me down gently on and tells me to start counting.








Fuck it I'm taking this shit off. I pull it slowly over my head trying to adjust to the bright lights, but I see no one around. Am I dreaming or something?

"You were supposed to wait 15 seconds" Trevor says coming from the locker room with a big smile on his face.

"Whoops" Soon he's right in front of me laying a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Babe what's going on?" I ask when he steps back

"You'll see" He slowly drops to one knee and my breath hitches in my throat. Is this really happening? Tears are threatening to spill from my eyes and he hasn't even said anything!

"Y/n y/l/n, I met you in a stadium much smaller than this 3 years ago and ever since then you have been the light of my life. I don't know where I would be without you, you walked into my life and I don't think I could deal with seeing you walk out. I know we're both about to break down so I'll just get right to the point. Baby will you marry me?" The tears now spill over as I frantically shake my head yes and try and stutter out some words. Trevor wastes no time as he slips the beautiful ring onto my hand and shoots up scooping me into his arms.

"I love you so much" My words come out through tears while I bury my head into his neck

"I love you more" I hear claps and whoops coming from behind Trevor and realize that the entire team of Ducks are here. I couldn't have asked for a better proposal.

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